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Wartime Fake Sheffield, decoys and starfish


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On the nights of the two raids decoys would have been of no use because both nights were clear as day, the Germans simply followed the river Humber to Goole then dead reckoning to Sheffield. The river system from a map would confirm the position of the city since they would show up like silk ribbons. There was no effective defence, no dog fights the Germans had it all their own way since cities were a prefered target from our point of view.


Hitler was conned by Churchill in that the Germans were winning by bombing the airfields so Churchill ordered a raid on Berlin, this put Hitler in an awkward position because he had said it was impossible. In order to gain some respect he ordered the Bombing of London and other major cities which is exactly what Churchill wanted. Hence the Battle of Britain was able to stop the Germans from dominating the air and stopped the inevitable invasion. Hitler had lost the war in 1943 by invading Russia but he had little choice since his oil supply from the M.E was scuppered by the British 8th Army in North Africa. The only reason the landings in France was carried out was to stop Russia from getting too far west, a second front was never needed since we would have sandwiched the Germans eventually .

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On the nights of the two raids decoys would have been of no use because both nights were clear as day, the Germans simply followed the river Humber to Goole then dead reckoning to Sheffield. The river system from a map would confirm the position of the city since they would show up like silk ribbons. There was no effective defence, no dog fights the Germans had it all their own way since cities were a prefered target from our point of view.


Hitler was conned by Churchill in that the Germans were winning by bombing the airfields so Churchill ordered a raid on Berlin, this put Hitler in an awkward position because he had said it was impossible. In order to gain some respect he ordered the Bombing of London and other major cities which is exactly what Churchill wanted. Hence the Battle of Britain was able to stop the Germans from dominating the air and stopped the inevitable invasion. Hitler had lost the war in 1943 by invading Russia but he had little choice since his oil supply from the M.E was scuppered by the British 8th Army in North Africa. The only reason the landings in France was carried out was to stop Russia from getting too far west, a second front was never needed since we would have sandwiched the Germans eventually .



Come off it mate! You've just about re-written the history of the 2ndWW!

Where did you get all this? Expect some flak from others!

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On the nights of the two raids decoys would have been of no use because both nights were clear as day, the Germans simply followed the river Humber to Goole then dead reckoning to Sheffield. The river system from a map would confirm the position of the city since they would show up like silk ribbons. There was no effective defence, no dog fights the Germans had it all their own way since cities were a prefered target from our point of view.


Hitler was conned by Churchill in that the Germans were winning by bombing the airfields so Churchill ordered a raid on Berlin, this put Hitler in an awkward position because he had said it was impossible. In order to gain some respect he ordered the Bombing of London and other major cities which is exactly what Churchill wanted. Hence the Battle of Britain was able to stop the Germans from dominating the air and stopped the inevitable invasion. Hitler had lost the war in 1943 by invading Russia but he had little choice since his oil supply from the M.E was scuppered by the British 8th Army in North Africa. The only reason the landings in France was carried out was to stop Russia from getting too far west, a second front was never needed since we would have sandwiched the Germans eventually .


You are getting confused between The Battle of Britain which took place during the summer and autumn of 1940 where airfields were attacked in its initial phases and The Blitz which took place between September 1940 and May 1941. This thread is about the decoys to divert bomber from the England's major manufacturing cities.


The war in the western desert was fought in North Africa 1940 to May 1943 and not in the Middle East and was started by the Italians who had Libya as a colony the war was fought to defend the Suez Canal and not oil.


If we had not started a second front, which clearly put a quick end to the war, then the Germans would have most likely have had the time to developed the nuclear bomb. It already had the means to deliver it so the second front was an absolute necessity.


Operation Starfish would have made very little impact against a nuclear attack.

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BayernBlade, I was stationed at Hildesheim in 1965 with the Artillery although I was R. Sigs. it was one of the best postings in Germany I thought, nice town and easy access to Hanover.


A mate of mine was in the RA here,Michael "Nobby" Clarke,he was here forty odd years ago and is still here now.Don't suppose you know him ?


Of course there were British soldiers stationed in Hildesheim DURING WWII as well.

The infamous "British Free Corps" of the Waffen SS were stationed at the St Michael's monastry between February and October 1944.

We made a documentary about them a few years back called "The Brits who fought for Hitler" for the history channel.

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