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Absent forumers - the great 'what happened to' thread

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I'm sure I saw Lotti posting in the last day or so


Lotti is definitely still about. She babysits babybabychickens for me, so I should know. She can mostly be found in the pets group, and answers PMs quickly enough that I assume she lurks most days.

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Viking? That name rings a bell - IIRC it was my mate's dad. If it was, sadly he went to the great Sheffield Forum in the sky about a year ago. :(

Course, I could be wrong about who he was - Viking was just before my time IIRC.


unfortunately ole viking did :(

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"Owdlad" moved on to other Forums, but he brought comedy to this Forum too.


He used to get "flailed" on here regularly, and became, in effect, the "Image of a Netto Bag Carrier" on SF.


He never complained about it though, and rode the comments with good humour. :)

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I beleive viking was in a motorcycle accident on an A road. Could have been wrong though.

Wonder if anyone'd miss/notice me :huh:

yeah wrong........viking was ill

medusas other half was unfortunately in a motorcycle accident.....hope she doesnt mind me mentioning it

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it does make you wonder tho, if i popped it tommorow, i dont think any of you would know tbh, youd all think i just left and maybe would pop back.


doubt my missus is clued up on online stuff to come and tell people on MY fave forums.

and obviously you prolly wouldnt see me mentioned in the local paper.....unless my family back in sheff put it in the star...but it prolly wouldnt say mel the bell

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And Deavon, never fully recovered from his gaff with his 'parent and child' parking thread, I think, made one or two posts afterwards then disappeared forever.




My lovely Draggletail, I stand by my ""anti-gay "parent and child" parking thread and us gays need more room for our shopping thread completely!""


I loved my late night frivilous chats with you and the late night crew on here back in 2005. But things change. I got a new job and had to work harder. (Boo Hoo). I'm still an insomniac, but I try to keep off the Forum when I'm up, because if you're enjoying posting then you blink and suddenly it's 5am!! And work starts soon!!!!


I miss waking up in the morning (or afternoon) and seeing that some normal people have dissaproved of our late night use of the Forum! (This isn't a chat room you know).

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Oh my Goodness.


I've just found that thread and had a read. I sound like a total Bitch!! No wonder you thought that this post was enough to drive me in to the shadows.


A very strong argument can be fomed that hard booze and late night posting shouldn't be mixed!

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