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Absent forumers - the great 'what happened to' thread

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not quite the same tho


he died :( R.I.P

rather than just absent, think we can forgive him on this occasion


I can't believe it's a year this month (6th April) since we lost Viking.


God! I miss his wit and intelligence, (and it's evident that so many of us here do).


and, no, mel... I don't know if we can quite forgive him for going to that "great forum in the sky", and leaving us *sniffle*, taking that wonderful humour of his... ;)

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Hi Andy :wave:


You wouldn't recognise the "New Look Lescar"

....There's a couple of longish threads about it if you can be bothered ....




Hi Draggle,


Yeah, I think seeing the Lescar in it's current format is really going to hurt :( It was the hub of my social life in Sheff. There's going to be a Lescar shaped hole in my heart if I move back.


ps. Hi JoeP; Hi Starsparkle. :wave:

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Call me vain, but I was bored and decided to a) look at the forum, and b) do a search for my name to see if I'd been mentioned recently.


Bingo! I had! Woohoo!


Andy did indeed move to Brum to do a PhD. However, he is seriously thinking of transferring his PhD to Sheff Uni. I've just written to them to try and sell myself, and am waiting for their response. Quite simply, Brum has been cool, but it's no Sheffield! I feel like coming home :)


So Kathy, I may well be back in the not so distant future. In which case I will make a concerted effort to make more effort with this forum. And., I miss you too! I also miss a lot of other people from this forum. I will be back in touch, I promise, and I will be back at an unofficial meet up soon.


Andy78 :)

Hey - fancy seeing you here!! :shocked:


Hi Andy :wave:


If you bump into my brother in Brum, say 'hi' from me :D


My cousin was proposed to outside your house just before Christmas by the way :)

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