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Sheffield Cold War


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Dear all,


New here so hello!


This is a research request so excuse if it's on the wrong forum but here goes.


We are currently collecting research material for our next book (title to be decided) whose subject matter is the Royal Observer Corps in Sheffield (and latterly) South Yorkshire. Some points we would like to find out are:


Does anyone have information regarding the location of ROC posts during WW2?


Does anyone have any photos of the ROC in Sheffield/South Yorkshire - either during WW2 or the Cold War?


Can anyone point us in the right direction for documentation - manuals, procedures, organisation etc for the periods specified?


Do any members have any recollections of working for the UKWMO during the Cold War (and any Associations which may exist who we could contact. Yes, I know there's the Royal Observer Corps Association and they will be getting an e-mail!).


It would be nice to hear from post volunteers who served at the ten South Yorkshire UKWMO posts.


Sorry if this is a tentative and slightly ambiguous request but at the moment, we are just at start of the research process. We will be visiting the Local Studies and the Archives in the near future but if anyone can help in the meantime, either post an answer here or PM me.


Many thanks all in advance,





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Hi Camrat


Yes we know of Aeroventures exhibit, thanks. There was no post at the former RAF Doncaster where the museum is located, nearest underground post was at Rossington.


We are really looking for people who worked in the Corps and working photos.


Many thanks


Noel J Ryan

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Hi Mr Ryan - I've just joined the forum like you and look forward to spending a little time on it. Was interested in your request for info on Observer Posts during the Cold war. I know of 2 posts to the north-west of Sheffield. One is still there to my knowledge, the other has been built on and around. The location of the first is on the Whitwell Moors above Stocksbridge. About 1100ft. above sea level - so high for obvious reasons. You can get a vehicle to within 1/4 mile of it. Located at map ref. 255972 or thereabouts with, very ironically, nothing as high to the east before you would reach the Urals!! The views from up there are brilliant - easily picking out Ferrybridge powerstation and beyond about 35 miles away. I've been down this post about 25 years ago - the only evidence of its existance is a brick plinth about .5m high and 1.5m square with a heavy padlocked manhole cover. Lift the cover and there's a 5-6m vertical shaft with 'manhole' steps where at the bottom you go off horizontally into a 3m wide by about 5m long room. From memory in the room there was a large desk with good quality map of the area with distance radii marked in 1/2 mile sectors. I remember 1 pair of old steel bunks, air purification plant, elson toilet, water supply and sink, food supply cupboards etc - all a little austere. I certainly remember that I wouldn't fancy spending any amount of time down there like the proverbial mole! The walls, floor and ceiling were very solid looking concrete. The other was located (maybe still is) adjacent and to the rear of Macdonald's at the A61 / Stocksbridge bypass junction. Stand in the car park and look for the wooded hump behind - it was / is located there - about 800ft above sea level. I seem to recall some years ago the MOD trying to sell these - not sure who would want 'em or what they could be used for now? Anyway hope this helps?

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  • 13 years later...

As I commented on 1st of Dec 2007, the observation post can be viewed from the footpath at the rear of the club house.

There is a fence around the entrance so access is difficult.

If you look at the ' Picture Sheffield ' site and search Beauchief, there are photos of the post.

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