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Replica Steel Helmets Anyone?


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The Sheffield firm of Hadfields produced huge quantities of steel helmets during the First World War. Today there are a great many individuals with a passionate interest in this particular period; to the point of involvement in living history groups etc. Most such persons make use of superb quality replica uniforms & equipment, however one crucial piece of that equipment; the steel helmet is getting very hard to come by. It would be very interesting to know of anyone/company in the same Sheffield area who might be capable & inclined to helping get such helmets reproduced again. If you might have an interest, or could possibly refer me to someone who may have, would you please drop me a line, it would be much appriciated. David.

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Hi Granville, The 'Brodie' helmet didn't appear on the battlefront until about 1916 i think.

Hadfield's along with Vickers, Thomas Firth's, Samuel osbournes and Edgar Allen's supplied the steel for the helmet's. Manufacturer's were, W.Hutton and son, James Dixon and sons, Harrison Bros, W&E Veiner and John Round's and son.

They had makers and steel suppliers marks on them.

i'm sure some company is producing them, such as for re enactment societies and movie people. a round disc of steel and a press = 1 Brodie helmet.

hope you find something Granville, let me know if you do.



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Thanks for the reply, which contains so usefull info. I've been looking into the question of a replica helmet for some time, and I cannot find anyone producing an authentic brodie helmet, hence the enquiry. I suspect most film prop products will be plastic based. In the US, a company will take an original, shot-blast it and respray it to suit, but no one in their right mind would have this done to a genuine WW1 helmet. Potential manufacturers might be surprised at the potential market if they can offer a really good replica. It should be noted that liners are readily available already.

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