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Looking for Sarah Wragg


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Hi everyone , i'm looking for an old school friend Sarah Wragg .

She used to live at woodhouse on Servern Side Drive . Her dad was called Colin , her mum Linda and she had a brother and sister called Lee and Claire . Last i heard she was living and working in london .I think colin still lives in Woodhouse , not in the same house though , dont know about Lee and Claire .

It would be really good to get in touch again , we were inseperable when we were kids and got up to all sorts .

My 11 year old daughter asked me who my best friend was at school and what she was like and i ended up talking about what we got up to for ages , daughter thought it was really funny , especially when i told her about the time we accidently pulled the curtains down in Sarahs house , then hid when her dad came back because we thought he'd shout at us , LOL !!

it got me thinking how nice it would be to catch up on old times and what we,re up to now .

So if anyone knows Sarah Wragg or her dad Colin please get in touch .

Thanks Karen XX

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