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40th Birthday Walk & Celebration Sat 19th Jan


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Ugh, don't EVEN get me started on football fans! The parking problems they cause around my house makes my blood boil! On another note am really looking forward to this! Not sure if I'll be driving or not but once plans are sorted will let you know so I can give a lift to anyone who needs it.

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******A Change to the Arrangements*****


I have amended #1 to advise everybody that the buffet and party are now going to be held at the Fulwood Inn at 1pm, and not at the Porter Brook. This is because South Yorkshire Police have advised the Porter Brook to close Sat 19th, because of expected trouble from the Sheffield football derby. To be fair, I'm not disappointed that they have done this and neither is Nooka, because there were a number of things we weren't happy with at the Porter Brook to start with, so the cancellation, albeit at such a late stage has probably done Nooka a favour. Having just been to have a look at the Fulwood Inn I've also got to say that it looks a much more suitable place to hold a party too, and they couldn't be more obliging with our requirements if they tried. They also appear to be far more professional with their handling of the booking too.

Regarding the walk, Nooka and I think the best place to meet for this would in fact be outside the Fulwood Inn at 10.30. The no 40 bus stops outside there and leaves town every 10 minutes. Car users can leave their cars in the pub car park for the duration of the walk if they want to, and leave a change of clothing in their car if they so desire (guess who's told me that this is a good idea ;) )

From the Fulwood Inn, we can get to Whiteley Woods, and the Porter Valley in minutes, so the intention is that we do a circular walk down to Endcliffe Park, and back up the Porter Valley, probably calling at either Forge Dam or Endcliffe Park cafe for a cuppa along the way. I think this walk will be no more than 5 miles, and will be done at little more than a steady pace, so we can conserve our energies for the frivolities later!

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I have just confirmed final numbers with the Fulwood Inn at 22 from the Walking Group, including Jess22 and Steph as late confirmations, and 13 of Nookas family and friends, making 35 in total. I have given the Fulwood an approximate time of one o clock for the buffet but it won't matter if we're a bit later than that after the walk, they're pretty easy going about things there.

Regarding the walk, we can decide what the route will be on Saturday, but I think a 4-5 mile `lap` of the Porter Valley, including a stop at the Forge Dam cafe will be ideal for the day. Fingers crossed that the weather forecast is right for once, and we only have "light showers" on the day!

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I have given the Fulwood an approximate time of one o clock for the buffet but it won't matter if we're a bit later than that after the walk.



OW yes it will because me and Callum will have eaten it all if you are late,lol:hihi:


Don't you go blaming Callum for aiding and abetting you to eat 35 meals, no-one will believe he was responsible for this type of crime!

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