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40th Birthday Walk & Celebration Sat 19th Jan


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Hope you're soon feeling better, Billysmum. We had a lovely day-I hope Nooka enjoyed herself.


The Sheffield Derby probably did us a favour by shutting the Ecce Rd pubs as we had a very nice space at the Fulwood Inn-almost like a private room! Well done to Scoobz for organising it.


AND,for those of us who actually WALKED, the rain held off, and despite one or two muddy patches(!), we had a very pleasant stroll through the Porter Valley. I noticed that, strangely, it was the non-walking members of the Walkers Group who pounced on the food first! :suspect:


Wonder who's birthday it is next??? :huh:

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What a fabulous afternoon we had, and a big thanks to the Fulwood Inn for accommodating us at the last minute after the Porter Brook let us down.

On the downside, got to say what a shame it was that the pub let themselves down from the vegetarians point of view though with the choice of food they provided. More on this subject to follow from the veggies later???

Regardless of this, from a Group point of view, I've got to say that this was one of the best sociable occasions that we have had; and I' d like to wish Nooka a huuuuge big Happy Birthday and also to tell her what a smashing member of the Group she is, and how much the rest of us appreciate her being a part of it ;)

Also, as suggested by Neily earlier today, maybe this is a pub we can use as a base for future walks?

Anyroads, just a few observations from a drunken leader..............................

1) Did I really see Mr Neilly partaking of a cup of coffee during a drinking session?

2) Did Mardy really half inch some black pudding cos it's non-existent in the East Mids?

3) Was our part-time attending Arsenal fan cheering at the Owls beating the Blades?

4) Was my drinking partner Sherwood struggling to keep up with her leader?

5) Was it my imagination, or did Neoteric 1/2 agree that there is in fact a Mrs Neoteric?

6) Are people really upset that Billysmum has left us for the happy land?

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1) Did I really see Mr Neilly partaking of a cup of coffee during a drinking session?


Yes, I can confirm you did, can't help you with the other 5 points though:hihi:


I agree a lovely afternoon with nice bunch of people ( even though I never got to speak to half of them)


The pub/hotel was very nice, only downside ( in my opinion), was the variety of the food on the buffet, sorry but not a lover of freezing cold sausage rolls and pork pies, would have been nicer if they had been warmed up a bit, but I suppose for £4 it was ok, and at least Callum got to have some chips!


Nooka, hope you have had a lovely day and enjoy the rest of your birthday celebrations.




P.S. Neily and L have a lovely time at Center Parcs, I know you will.

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WELL What can I say but, a big thankyou to everyone who turned up today! I got sooooooooooo many lovely cards and presents i cant begin to give enough thanks here and now! Thankyou all so much for making my birthday such a special and memorable one! A big thankyou has to go to Scoobz for helping arrange this, I really appretiate the effort put into this! THANKS ALL! I am 40!!! OMG! love you all!!!!

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Had a lovely day, despite the hacking cough - thanks to Scoobz & birthday girl Nooka! Sorry I missed the walk, but don't think I could have managed it.


Nooka - lovely to meet your wonderful family & your work colleagues, hope you enjoy the rest of your day!


As for the buffet - well, don't get me started!!! It was a lovely venue, great pub, lovely area for the buffet - but there is a limit to how many egg sandwiches you can eat in one sitting - & they almost certainly won't have been free range!

When I asked a member of staff to tell me which foods didn't contain meat, she pointed to the prawn toastie thingies & the spring rolls with prawn in them! When I pointed out that prawn was fish & vegetarians don't eat fish, she said that we could take some of the lettuce from around the 'meat' sandwiches & eat that! :gag: I said a piece of lettuce wasn't really filling & could we possibly have something other than just an egg sandwich. So at least she then brought a few bowls of chips - thanks at least for trying!

It's such a shame in this day & age, when you book a buffet with '10' vegetarians, they serve black pudding, pork pies & sausage rolls - & no equivalent food for veggies. So if you're reading this Fullwood Inn, PLEASE think of veggies in you buffets - its not difficult to cut up a couple of quiches or similar!


Scoobz - as to point 5 - yes he did, although when I gave him the 3rd degree on the subject, he admitted that not even Parkwoman has met her - mysterious! & when we gave him a lift home - I was told she had probably 'gone out' so I wouldn't see her! Well, Neoteric, have you even got a photo? :confused:


Billysmum - hope you get better soon & don't find it too strenuous digging yourself up from under the patio :hihi: I'd give him what for if I were you!!

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Have to say what a a great day out and a good venue. I'm sure they will note the points made regarding the food. I have to say the bar staff were friendly and professional and I will definitely be going back to such a well run establishment in a beautiful part of the city.


Great to see a full turn out to celebrate Nookas second coming(ok, 40th!-christians- i jest!)


Observations:- Mrs Neoteric is alive and well! Sherwood is a Lager monster! Worried looks from Nookas family as Scoobz seemed to be suggesting that somone Dear to him was under the patio, Worried looks from me as I feared for Scoobz safety as he was explaining to April the benefits of his city centre experiences as her Dad was towering over him! Galloway is feeling much better especially with her friends` help, Mardy and the Un-named One needn't have got a room. Young Rainbow Sky is the perfect drinking partner - he's cheap! Didn't even want crisps!


Thanks to the Hemlocks for the much appreciated lift home on such a fowl (gerrit?!,groan?) night

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