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Three Cranes, Queen st.


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Has anyone been to this pub and if so what's it like? In all my years in Sheffield it's one of the places I've never been, I was going to go there with a friend out of curiosity the other night but it was shut. I can't imagine that it's well known as it's tucked away in a back street but I hear that the Sheffield Humanist Society and the Sheffield UFO Society meet here. It sounds like an interesting combination...

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Good sound down to earth boozer - due to the ature of businesses around the area its sometimes not worth their while to open at weekends or late at night but when I was in there a few times I could not fault it - would that there were more of this kind of traditional pub areound instead of all those trendy no-personality bars ....

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its more of a dinnertime pub, because its off the track for people going downtown on the weekend nights. Its a very traditional pub, serving good traditional beer. I believe its being taken over next year by thornbridge brewery. The landlord in there now is a really nice bloke.

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I always think of its hilarious creaking floorboards. Aside from fixing those it needs a deep clean, a lick of paint and to sort the beer quality out. The handpulled ale has been in poor shape or unavailable each time I've been in over the years. So I haven't been in very often.


I hope someone sorts it out because it's an attractive historic pub in the city centre and there aren't that many of those left. It could probably be improved a lot without spending that much:



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they do a corking buffet!


we've quite a few works leaving dos there and they always do a fab spread.


i have to admit, its not the place id chose to go for a drink on any other occasion though- perhaps because ive always thought of it as a work pub.




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  • 4 months later...

The Sheffield Humanist Society met in the upstairs room of the Three Cranes for 15 years, but has now moved the monthly meetings to SADACCA, 48 The Wicker, S3 8JB. The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month, at 8pm, and everyone is welcome. The next meeting will be a talk and discussion by John Halstead on "Robert Owen - Co-operator and Secularist".

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