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Does anyone know Beth Sockett


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This is info from the census. Henry Socket (b.1866/7) married Mary A (b 1869) in Sheffield in Jan/Feb 1891. Their children up to 1901 were: William Henry b 1891, Harriet b 1893, Annie E. b 1896, Charles b 1899 and John b 1901. If Annie E Sockett married into the Mills family (from Rotherham) then it's possible you are related to the "Pings" from Little Brickhill in Buckinghamshire. Henry Socket lived in Attercliffe but died in Rotherham where the Mills family and the Pings were. Attercliffe was affected by the yellow smog that came from the foundries and steelworks in the East End. A good reason to move away! The smog caused a lot of consumption in those days. Let me know if you can find out more about the Mills family and if you can find out more about any Rotherham connection.

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You said Annie E married into the Mills family. From where did the Mills family come? Annie E may have stayed and worked in Carbrook, however some of the family moved to Rotherham. Every reason to believe Annie met Mr Mills from Rotherham and then married and lived in Carbrook.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi lakerman this beth sockett i dont think she is related. but if u are related to the man who had the shop then maybe we are? he was my nanan brother/nephew i think i wolud like to know my mums gandmother/fathers names as my mum can not rember?

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Hello Billy 75, I don't know much about where and when my Grandad was born but by my calculations he was born about 1895. He had a cousin ( who I believe was E.Sockett) who started the electrical business/shop at Firvale.

My grandad had four brothers (Ernest , Albert, John and Sidney) also one who died as a baby.

He had two sisters (Ellen and Mary). There may have been other brothers and sisters but I can't recall any more.

My grandad married Beatrice Annie Haywood. They had Two sons (Joseph Edwin and Sidney) Two daughters (Doris and Margaret)

Joseph Edwin was my father. He married Minnie Kelford. They had one other child which is my sister Lynn.

I don't know if this helps or confuses the matter, but good luck.

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