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Has anyone successfully sued the NHS?

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Guest Mod_Man
Now I am confused - I have just been reading a thread by this chap praising the Jessop and praising everything they did for his twins.


After just reading the opening post of that thread there was no mention of negligence from the NHS. I was questioned and I answered.

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I can't go into too much detail but my friend sued the childrens hospital after the death of her child and after a long time and hefty solicitor bills they have accepted liability and agreed to a hefty amount with all her sols bills paid for.


Oh that's good; now even more babies can die due to a lack of funds!

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  • 6 months later...

A couple of years ago, my friend successfully sued the NHS after he had problems with his back. He was repeatedly sent home from hospital with pain killers and on one occasion laxatives, after x-rays showed no apparently problems, and it was diagnosed as a "blockage". 3 months later he had surgery on a cyst the size of a grapefruit near his spinal cord. The surgeon later said that he was about 14 days away from dying.


You just have to make sure you have all the right information and the best solicitor you can afford - because you can be sure that they can afford better!

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A couple of years ago, my friend successfully sued the NHS after he had problems with his back. He was repeatedly sent home from hospital with pain killers and on one occasion laxatives, after x-rays showed no apparently problems, and it was diagnosed as a "blockage". 3 months later he had surgery on a cyst the size of a grapefruit near his spinal cord. The surgeon later said that he was about 14 days away from dying.


You just have to make sure you have all the right information and the best solicitor you can afford - because you can be sure that they can afford better!


Surely Irwin Mitchell haven't started spamming forums? Surely...

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My brother was admitted to the NORTHEN GENERAL HOSPITAL on the 22 July 2004 for what was a routine procedure and was placed on the Maple Ward due to circumstances we have not been able to get to the bottom of as of yet his condition rapidly deteriorated to the point where we thought we would loose him.After repeated request to find out the cause of his illness we were informed that he had contracted NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME a life threatening illness which has devasted his health and left him in a wheelchair and in a residential nursing home.My brother went from someone who could walk,talk, feed himself and who had a active life to someone who now has to depend on others for the most ordinary functions of life.This was over 3 years ago and while he now seems in a stable condition and content in his own way in the nursing home the situation has devastated our family coming so soon after the death of our father. My brother is unable to walk and sometimes doesnt even recognise his own brothers and sister when we have visited him and the situation he is in seems to have no end and the anger and sadness goes on. My brother has learning difficulties and was admitted with the intentions of having his medication stabilised and through no fault of his own he has ended up in the condition he is today with little or no chance of improvement and so will in all probability finish the rest of his life in the situation he now finds himself in. Sorry is not enough in some cases

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  • 2 years later...
oh dear, thats terrible! did the case take a long time? no amount of money can help in that situation. my heart goes out to them.


i injured my knee, and through 5 yrs of scan, pain clinic and neuropathic drugs, i finally was discharged to find out the NHS had misdiagnosed my knee condition and i had to go private to London to have a major operation.

funny really, as if it hadn't been for my dad paying thousands for the op, i would not be here today, as i would have taken my life. that sounds so pathetic, but i couldn't walk, couldn't sleep and couldn't function in a normal life, i was in that much pain daily for 5 yrs (taking 28 concoctions of meds every day) i found comfort in the thought of death being a welcome end to it.

i knew that something wasn't right, but NHS said it was all in my mind. i was desparate!

now i can sue them as i have the much needed evidence.


a note for anyone planning to sue the NHS, is make sure you get all your notes from the hospital before you seek any solicitor to help you sue. make sure when you apply for them that you say you need them for DLA or you may find that they are being tampered with or even go missing.


Hiya, i'm not sure if you can help me but my mum has been misdiagnosed time and time again for the last 13 months by the nhs and i have been reading some truly awful stories that have happened to people around Britain. As a student studying journalism at university i am currently writing an article on misdiagnosis on the NHS and would really appreciate it if i could write about your story also? Please feel free to email me on rozi_xx@hotmail.co.uk or reply on here if you can. Thanks so much Rosie

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