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Is Being Shallow always a Negative Quality?

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What do you think guys?

Is being shallow always a negative thing? After all, there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good is there? Or wanting to have nice things?

There are so many worst qualities a person could have!

I want to hear all the positives!!!!

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Being shallow is a negative quality if it's at the expense of deeper qualities, e.g. being someone's partner because they're wealthy rather than being someone's partner because of who they are (and they could still be wealthy, or not).

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There are no invisible rule to say only subjects about Sheffield can be written on the SF. (Don't tell me this was posted wrongly, I'll look like a pratt then. :P)


Anyway, women will want to look good, and for some, wearing certain items are giving them a confidence is not a bad thing. A lot of people are pretty harsh with their comments when it comes to appearances.


I've recently seen a girl being criticised by her male colleagues for wearing a scarf. What the guys didn't know was that she had a big scar across her neck, and she used to wear a scarve to hide it.


Shallowness is subjective. If you like dressing up, and it makes you happy, then go for it. I think what people dislike are individuals who rely on others too much, and uses wealth or sexuality as a tool. Then again, that's the sexual revolution for you. If you don't look good, you won't get a look in etc... So it's swings and roundabout sometimes.


In recent years, men are even more into their grooming and primming.

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There are no invisible rule to say only subjects about Sheffield can be written on the SF. (Don't tell me this was posted wrongly, I'll look like a pratt then. :P)


I'm afraid it was ;) It would help if people reported threads that have been posted in the wrong forums rather than waiting for a mod to stumble across it.

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