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Is Being Shallow always a Negative Quality?

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What do you think guys?

Is being shallow always a negative thing? After all, there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good is there? Or wanting to have nice things?

There are so many worst qualities a person could have!

I want to hear all the positives!!!!


Shallow is never negative if coupled with a charming smile, a giggle, the right curves in the right places and the ability to be charmed out of ones undies.

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Shallow is never negative if coupled with a charming smile, a giggle, the right curves in the right places and the ability to be charmed out of ones undies.



Smashing use of irony ;)


It's a judgement thing viewing someone as shallow - I think most people value the important things in life (for argument's sake the things you can't buy). I think maybe insecurity can make someone seem shallow when it comes to values.

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What do you think guys?

Is being shallow always a negative thing? After all, there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good is there? Or wanting to have nice things?

There are so many worst qualities a person could have!

I want to hear all the positives!!!!


Being shallow is bad, but I don't think the things you identified there are shallow. Wanting to look nice is about taking pride in yourself and caring for your appearance. Anyone who doesn't want to look nice must have self esteem issues.

Wanting to have nice things is an almost universal trait, so unless everyone in the world is shallow it's definitely not an indicator.

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Wanting to look nice is about taking pride in yourself and caring for your appearance. Anyone who doesn't want to look nice must have self esteem issues.


Or just isn't scared about what other people might think of them.

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Being shallow is a negative quality if it's at the expense of deeper qualities, e.g. being someone's partner because they're wealthy rather than being someone's partner because of who they are (and they could still be wealthy, or not).


I agree. If you're being shallow, and know you are but also know that there are deeper things, then I don't see a problem. Shallowness is only a problem when you think that's all there is.


For example:


A Westlife fan who buys all of their albums because they're nice looking boys, but it's got nothing to do with their music, yet they say they're huge fans of music in general.


To me, there's a screw loose somewhere.

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Wanting to look nice is about taking pride in yourself and caring for your appearance. Anyone who doesn't want to look nice must have self esteem issues.


I'm not sure this is necessarily true, although of course it depends on your definition of 'nice'. If we're talking clean and presentable, then fair enough, but a lot of people are under enormous pressure to conform to certain stereotypes of 'nice'. Refusing to accept those stereotypes could arguably make you less shallow...


In answer to the OP, there is definitely a time and a place for the good kinds of shallow! Watching movies expressly for the purpose of drooling over Angelina Jolie is my favourite shallow activity.

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Alot of young women seem to think putting make up on makes them better people, what they fail to realise is nobdie cares if they've got it on or not.


Certainly a lot don't realise that sometimes, less is more!


Walk past any perfume or make-up counter in a department store and look at the staff! I bet they spend ages thinking they're making themselves look really good as well.


I think a bit of makeup is ok, particularly for women with a blotchy complexion, but a lot of women do overdo it.

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