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Is Being Shallow always a Negative Quality?

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*Groan* You're a classic.

I take it you know that cos you've been a woman?


Anyway, sometimes making one self look presentable is not always set out to attract, but more to do with being in a uniform, or a kind of duty as well. It depends on how you look at it... Everyone is different.


Groan - so no women ever over-do their make-up. Ok. I'm talking about on THIS planet though.

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No, not caring what other people think doesn't stop you caring about yourself, if someone doesn't care about themself then that's a sign of low self esteem.



Or a sign of very high self esteem.

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Thanks for all the comments. Some really interesting points have already been made and I'm hoping more will continue to be posted.


I've now come to the conclusion that its perfectly acceptable to be a little bit "shallow" (although now I'm starting to think I may have used the wrong word). There's nothing wrong with having a more than average interest in the way that you look as long as its not at the detriment of anyone or anything else.


Obviously there are far more important things than looks but if it makes someone feel good to take alot of pride in their appearance and they're doing it for themselves and for no-one else, surely its not a problem.

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for me, it is a tautological fact.


'shallow' = less considerate of others, less concerned about scrutinising the world around you, less interested in anything other than your own transient social advancement.


These are all things that can be classified as 'negative'.


Therefore, 'shallow' is 'negative'.

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Or a sign of very high self esteem.

Or a set of very high principles.


I used to see girls dress less provocatively when in company of their friends too. There's no competition, and it is a relaxing social outing.


Yet, some girls will dress more provocatively when it is not necessary, and presuming that in doing so is to indeed attract the opposite sex etc.


So, is it truly a case of self esteem, OR a case of dressing for the right occasion?

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Or a set of very high principles.


I used to see girls dress less provocatively when in company of their friends too. There's no competition, and it is a relaxing social outing.


Yet, some girls will dress more provocatively when it is not necessary, and presuming that in doing so is to indeed attract the opposite sex etc.


So, is it truly a case of self esteem, OR a case of dressing for the right occasion?


An astute comment Bago.

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What do you think guys?

Is being shallow always a negative thing? After all, there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good is there? Or wanting to have nice things?

There are so many worst qualities a person could have!

I want to hear all the positives!!!!





TO me theres nothing wrong with being shallow.


For example, when we were younger (teens early 20s) most of the lads were sexist idiots who would judge women for what they had, rather than who they were. One of the lads, was a sensitive type who judged women entirely on who they were.


Result ????


The only one of usthats still single is the lad that would judge the women on their personalitys, I think the women saw this as a sign of weakness

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