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Drake House, Beighton


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Hi Chyantag


I am now trying to find out where Carter's Yard was - probably long gone as I am talking 1900 here?


Carters Yard was off High Street.


The layout now is The Long House(was Grange Farm) then the bungalow which is Bernie Nuttalls the dentist. Then there is a house which has just been painted green and the rear of this was Carters Yard. The sign has only been removed in the last couple of years it was on the side of the house. I do hope they will replace it.


The house used to be Williams shop and before that it had been Saddler Banks shop.


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My memories of Drake House Lane are back in the early 60's.


From the School walking down towards Beighton, just over the brow of the hill I remember a row of cottages set back from the road and a little further down was a Bungalow with some large solid steel gates at the front it said Lyngs or lings on the gates. At the side was a wood full of crab apple trees. We called it Lings /Lyngs wood. It was almost impossible to get in for the nettles. But with a big stick and some frantic thrashing it was possible. We used to play for ages in there eating the apples :-( & climbing trees, until the old guy in the bungalow told us to "Bugger Off".

A bit further down was a large house where I think one of the Doctors from Hackenthorpe used to Live. The next buildings after that were the row of houses where Howard (Wyer) used to live.


I find it hard to believe now that my mother let me walk from our house on Delves Avenue all the way to Southall, to go to Beighton Cub Scouts every week, on my own. I must have only been 8 / 10 years old.


Hi Lostrider,


Your comment with regards to the Cub Scouts at Beighton at the age you say I also walked from Delves Drive to Southall past the chip Shop to the Church Hall were as Cubs Scouts we used to meet.


After the session we would go to the chippy for cake and chips and the ocasional pickled onion and walk up Drakehouse lane to Carter Lodge School or the button Factory lane just past the Co. Op and to down Delves Estate

What year did you go to the Cub Scouts

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I remember Drakehouse very well. I used to deliver the Star evening paper there for old man Sykes who had the paper shop

opposite the bottom of Orchard lane. Regarding the farm, as stated the family was called Fox, I don't know about Robert but I do know the eldest son was called David and I think there was a sister but can't remember her name, ( the year by the way was 1958.) The Fox's were related to a family called Robinson who used to live at the bottem of Woodhouse Lane in Beighton. Also I seem to recollect that there was a footpath across the fields by Fox's farm that used to lead to Skelton Lane, then into Robin Lane and the farm opposite Skelton Lane was owned by a family

whos name I can't remeber but were also related to the Fox Family.

I left Beighton about 1968 but since starting to type this it's amazing what comes flooding back.

I'll have to go and have a look on friend reunited. LOL

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I remember Drakehouse very well. I used to deliver the Star evening paper there for old man Sykes who had the paper shop

opposite the bottom of Orchard lane. Regarding the farm, as stated the family was called Fox, I don't know about Robert but I do know the eldest son was called David and I think there was a sister but can't remember her name, ( the year by the way was 1958.) The Fox's were related to a family called Robinson who used to live at the bottem of Woodhouse Lane in Beighton. Also I seem to recollect that there was a footpath across the fields by Fox's farm that used to lead to Skelton Lane, then into Robin Lane and the farm opposite Skelton Lane was owned by a family

whos name I can't remeber but were also related to the Fox Family.

I left Beighton about 1968 but since starting to type this it's amazing what comes flooding back.

I'll have to go and have a look on friend reunited. LOL


David Fox became a police officer after they left the farm and his Uncle Harry Ellis kept the farm opposite The Fox pub on Robin Lane.


I am surprised that no one has mentioned Colin Walker, who used to keep the farm that was between the Doctors house and the Flower Estate. They had two sons, Raymond (who also became a police officer) and Robert, as well as a Daughter, who (I think) was called Anne.


Can you remember the Woolleys that used to live at Westfield Farm, which was in the fields as you go over to Mosborough.

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All the information was very helpful.


One more question:- Well two really .....


I got my old maps of the area, going back to 1768, out last night looking for farms along the road from Hackenthorpe New Inn (now the vets) to Sothall.


Found Drake House Farm. The fields around there belonged to a Miss Jermyn in 18th century but no mention of CHILLAWALLIA (or similar) Farm.


Were Drake House Farm and Chillawallia one and the same?


And where on earth did the strange name, Chillawallia, come from?


Chy an Teg

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Hi Chyanteg,


I often see David around the village, I'll ask him were Chiwalli came from. I know that the FOX family had Moor Hole Farm after my LEE family which was on Moor Hole Lane Mosbro Moor.


I have an 1898 map and it is not showing on there, between The school houses and Drake House there is the Drakehouse brick works,just about where Chiwalli farm was on Beighton Road.



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Hi Owdlad, thanks for joging my memory. I do remember Walkers farm and the Woolleyes at Westfield farm though I didn't know the families very well. I lived at the opposite end of Beighton, on the woodlands estate.

While talking about farms who had the farm just up Robin Lane on the left. Another farm in Beighton was Unwins farm just up from the library, they had a son called Mick who was in the same class as Dave Fox which was one year ahead of mine. I have a cousin

George who was also in their class and still lives in Beighton.

Thanks for reminding me of the name Harry Ellis, he had two girls, the eldist was Margaret, she was in my class. She married a chap called Graham Nettleship from Queens road and they went to live

in a place called Saxalby in Lincolnshire

Regarding the Fox inn, when it was first opened it was kept by a chap called Bill Rylet who moved there from the old Railway inn.

Rylets son is called Lez, He married the daughter of the Sharps family that kept the coaches in southall. Last I heard Lez was living in Spain.

Finally to Chyanteg, the Fox's farm was called Drakehouse farm.

The Chillawallia farm that is mentioned does ring any bells with me.

The only thing between the old school houses and Drakehouse farm

was a small wood where I think there was once a small brick works

then later the site was used as a rubbish tip. I remeber a relative of mine doing some excavating there a few years ago and digging up loads of old glass bottles, some of which I still have.

I hope my rambling has been of some use.



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All the information was very helpful.


One more question:- Well two really .....


I got my old maps of the area, going back to 1768, out last night looking for farms along the road from Hackenthorpe New Inn (now the vets) to Sothall.


Found Drake House Farm. The fields around there belonged to a Miss Jermyn in 18th century but no mention of CHILLAWALLIA (or similar) Farm.


Were Drake House Farm and Chillawallia one and the same?


And where on earth did the strange name, Chillawallia, come from?


Chy an Teg


Hi chyanteg


Take a look at this http://www.ourbeighton.org.uk/template.aspx?itemid=1479-8k and1368

It will give you photos of Chiwalli Farm and as I said before my parents lived there and so did I after the fox family left

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Thanks to everyone who replied. I can now see that Drake House Farm and Chiwalli Farm were two different establishments. I can remember going with my daughter to the open air market that was held where the CP Car Park Extension is now.


"SHIRE BROOK, The Forgotten Valley" by members of the Shire Brook Valley Heritage Group


I have just bought the above book from Hackenthorpe PO. (£8:95) It is a beautiful book with lots of maps, colour photos and articles about the history of the Valley and it's modern uses. I can thoroughly recommend it to anyone who has any connection with this area.


I was so sorry to read that Alan Bailey, MBE, died last year. He & I spent some happy times together in the valley and, when he wasn't rescuing my errant Jack Russell, Lucy, he showed me inside the Spa House.


I shall miss Alan,



aka Chy an Teg

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