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Cyber bullying - advice needed

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Does anyone have any experience with this in regards to their children?


My daughter has been the victim of this by some kids at her school and I wondered just what sort of punishment I should be expecting for the bullies at the school where she goes.


I don't know exactly how far I should be able to take it with the school and if I have grounds for involving the police.


Any advice would be appreciated.



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I would report it to the school in the first instance and should they fail to act, then involve the police. Oh, if you know who the people are who are bullying your child then a quick call or email(s) to the service provider/website host where this is taking place should see them banned also.


Good luck and hope you get it sorted!!!

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Sending me a picture of a fist by e-mail is not in any way whatsoever the same as punching me in the teeth.


The question's a reasonable one. Now let's see a reasonable answer please.


Not all bullying involves physical abuse. In fact, as a victim of bullying throughout my own school years, it is the mental torment that hurt the most - and had a more lasting impression on me (I was made to feel worthless, and humble at every opportunity of my tormentors). The reason I would never move back to my home town is because of the feeling of not belonging there, and the reason for me spending so many years fighting depression and trying to end it all stem from the constant insecurities brought on by being taunted and tormented through my early life.


The bruises are long gone, but even now the mental stress of my early life is there.



That is why texts, e-mails, etc and other forms of cyber-bullying hurt the victim. It was bad enough for me to get it all through the 6 hours of school each day....to then get it in your own home when you are trying to lock yourself away from the rest of the world.....

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