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Cyber bullying - advice needed

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Does anyone have any experience with this in regards to their children?


My daughter has been the victim of this by some kids at her school and I wondered just what sort of punishment I should be expecting for the bullies at the school where she goes.


I don't know exactly how far I should be able to take it with the school and if I have grounds for involving the police.


Any advice would be appreciated.




All my dad said to me is when i was younger that the best way to deal with bullys is tackle them head on and sort them out because numerous times i went to the teachers and the police and they did sod all so i would say sod going to the police it's a waste of time they only want to know when someone has been seriously hurt or killed.


And to the P.C brigade out there don't start getting all high and mighty saying oh well Violence does not solve anything because that is the way that i solved the Bullying problem that i had by tackling the Bullys head on and giving them a taste of there own Medicine and they left me alone after that.



Bullying is a very serious issue and i know first hand how hurtful and nasty some of the bullys can be and it's not very nice because i have a strong character i got through the hard times but not everyone is like me and i know people who have thought about suicide due to bullying.


A little story here for you it doesn't always pay to go to the authorties that be either.


One of my mates was bullied regularly at School and he told the teachers but they did sod all the police didn't want to know i was the only one who made a stand and looked after him and stopped him taking beatings he couldn't look after himself and was very shy and that's why they picked on him because they knew he wouldn't fight back but with me they knew that i would give as good as i get so they left him alone after i warned them to leave him alone.


I condone violence towards Bullys because people like that Deserve all they get as the saying goes what goes around comes around.


It was only a few weeks back that i chased after a Gang of Bullys who thought it was Funny to Bully my partners Little Brother by calling him names and trying to get him out on the street they made the fatal mistake of acting the billy big balls by insulting him infront of me and his family and then they made the even bigger mistake of starting to call me names aswell i wasn't to fussed to be honest about what they was calling,e because i have heard it all before.


my partners brother was a different kettle of fish he was really hurt by there comments and that's when the red mist just Descended and i chased after 4 of the lads up the road i warned them that if they ever picked on him again that they will have me to answer to and needless to say he has not had any problems from them since he has seen them about and they have not said a dicky bird to him people like them are just cowards.



Madvixen it's your choice you have to do what you feel is best whichever course of Action you take i just hope that you get these bullys sorted out one way or another because people like the ones who are picking on your daughter are just cowards.


All the best anyway Vixen :)



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Unfortunately, with regards to giving bullies a "piece of their own medicine" as people used to (and still do from time to time I should imagine), I'd not see it as quite so simple. It's quite a regular occurance for people to be beaten up by gangs, and as bullies usually act in gangs, because they are so witless and cowardly, surely people are more frightened to give the bully a clout back?


As much as I despise them, I would try and get the local newspapers involved if the school refuse to do more to help with your problem.

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We had a case in the US just a couple of weeks ago, a young girl committed suicide over being bullied on My Space by her friends mother of all people, pretending that she wanted to be her new boy friend then putting her down and saying he had found things out about her.......she hung herself, the mother and her daughter that did this lived just down the street from the girl.

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We had a case in the US just a couple of weeks ago, a young girl committed suicide over being bullied on My Space by her friends mother of all people, pretending that she wanted to be her new boy friend then putting her down and saying he had found things out about her.......she hung herself, the mother and her daughter that did this lived just down the street from the girl.


I remember reading about this case - quite shocking.


Part of the problem with all online harassment is that it typically happens via means that you feel you should control - your phone, your PC, etc.


It's an added violation on top of the bullying, often made worse by the anonymity of some of these bullies.

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i solved the Bullying problem that i had by tackling the Bullys head on and giving them a taste of there own Medicine and they left me alone after that.


I'm pleased that worked for you....with me it led to me getting my face smashed in, two broken teeth, a scar on my right cheek where glass from my specs was embedded - and none of that from the inital confrontation (all from various attacks in teh weeks following), and a few more years of abuse from more than just the usual gang (not forgetting the mystery phone calls to my family all hours of day and night, the leaving of death notes on desks at school, etc)


Doesn't work in all cases.

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I wanted to say thankyou to you all for all the support you have given me!


A police officer came round this evening and was really understanding and helpful! He will be paying the boys a visit tomorrow to put "the fear of god into them", his words not mine!! He was also appalled at how the school have handled the situation and said he will do all he can to get this sorted for us.


I now at least feel something will be done about it.

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These boys aren't even the legal age to join bebo and even though bebo have been informed about the bullying, they haven't had their accounts removed and we haven't heard anything from bebo about it.


File it as a 'police complaint' with Bebo, and get mates to help you. A supposed mate of mine created an account with my details against my consent and after I had asked politely for him not to. It took repeated complaints - useless - and finally 2 bebo 'police complaints' from me and a proper mate to sort it.

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  • 6 years later...

Resurrecting a very old thread, I know, but I wanted some up to date advice about where to go, and what routes are best to follow, when a child is being cyber bullied.


The perpetrator is anonymous, and sending vile messages to the 14 year old girl involved, so I don't know what ISP or mobile phone network it is, that this nasty piece of work is sending the messages from..


I'm really angry about it, and I feel like I want to park my wheelchair on the bullying child's head, although I know this is not at all the appropriate response.


Thanks in advance for positive ways of tackling this, and how to locate the perpetrator.

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