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Sheffield landlords and landladies past


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The Raven. Lawrence Flood. Daughter Janet used to be friends with 'our group' - The Raiders. Used to practice in the upstairs room occasionally. This is 1960-61.

That was my best friends uncle and we used to visit there regulary in the 70's his wives names was Madge and they had another daughter who either married a band member or knew a band. Green Carnation i think they were called, the lead singer went onto form Mickeys Monkeys.

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i worked early 70's giving my age away now.lol

The Brunswick Haymarket first barmaid job...

Arbourthone hotel for Alf and Rita

Cannon for Joe and Margret

Manor Hotel

then they took over a pub at Hackenthorpe

can't remember the name.

oops i think it was the Golden Plover.?

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  • 4 months later...
Wilf and Ella Garside were the sing-along hosts at The Ranmoor. Their son, John, was a school colleague.

And not forgetting daughter Pam ...


The Garsides, a wonderful family. Ella on the piano, and quietly-spoken Wilf forever polite to everybody.

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My favourite was the Nursery Tavern on Ecclesall Road that was run under the iron hand of the wonderful four feet eleven inch tall Vera Jenkins(Mrs Jenkins to the likes of me).


"Mrs Jenkins to the likes of me"


Me, too, my friend. We would never have dreamt of doing otherwise. Actress Joan Hickson would later remind me of "Ma Jenkins" appearance.


- - -

p.s.: I'm still in touch with former medical and law students, regulars at The Nursery in the 1970s.

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cant find any precise figures on the net, but I am remembering the average hourly rate for unskilled labour in 1982 was about £1.80 to £2, but not certain of precise figures. Beer was between 48 and 50 pence a pint for lager, 46 and 48 pence for bitter in Sheffield. If you earned £100 a week in 1982 for unskilled labour you were very lucky and quite well off. Unemployment benefit was around £16 to £19 per week to further put this into perspective...anyone was expected to be able to live on £20 a week for single unemployed people, it was actually quite easy to do back then for so little money!!!


Yes a good night out could be had for a fiver, assuming you were not a binge drinking idiot who necked 12 pints that is.....

but a good night out today, say just drinking 4 or 5 pints, plus a bag of chips, etc, £15 would do you fine, so what I am suggesting is that going out is actually CHEAPER than it was in 1982.....quite definitely much cheaper now I come to think of that real value. Average wage for unskilled labour is what now...about £6 ?


Its other living costs that have rocketed that have made people have LESS money to spend in pubs....NOT the price of beer.


WRONG - Going out is more expensive now

If an unskilled man earned £2 an hour in 1982, he could buy 4 pints out of one hours earnings - to do that today, you would have to be earning around £10 per hour. I don't know any unskilled working man earning that much.

My son is a fully qualified tradesman and earns your estimate of an unskilled workers wage - £6 per hour.


As you say, other living costs have rocketed too and, because of this, the price of beer (and worse still, the extortionate price of soft drinks) is causing the downtown in pub trade. The smoking ban was a body blow for many pubs and holding beer prices down would have helped - the never ending price increases are signing their own death warrant. You can always rely on some bright spark killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi okismoki just found this thread thanks for the recognition chris and I loved the cross we had some good times but we could.nt have done it without the barstaff they were the best there were some real characters went in they made the cross I still see some of the lads in the devonshire they dont alter happy memories

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What about one of the best pints of Wards in Sheffield served by Harry Saul and his wife Ivi in the Brown Cow Mowberry St now the Riverside.


Oh that brings back memories, Harry Saul !!!


Masie and Les Simons took over from them and made a fantastic pub of the Brown Cow!!!

Many happy memories from those days.

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Oh that brings back memories, Harry Saul !!!


Masie and Les Simons took over from them and made a fantastic pub of the Brown Cow!!!

Many happy memories from those days.


Hi there


Can you remember either of the barmaids Wendy or Lynda?

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