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Anyone from Attercliffe 1961/68 who knew John and Alan Smith


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I lived on Baltic Road at No.48. Remeber the twins and Ann, and their mum and dad. My name was Margaret Bell and my sister was Ann Bell. Our grandma and grandad lived over the road at no.49, they were Annie and George Denial. My mum and dad were Audrey and Arthur Bell and we lived next door to Mrs. Higgins, Arthur's mum. Went to school at Hunstmans Gardens with Maureen Frith who lived in the yard next to Banners Shop. Best fish and chip shop ever just round the corner from the top of our street.When we were little Mrs. Aynley always gave you a chip wrapped in paper while you waited. My sister's friend was Susan Habajam who she still sees now and again when out shopping etc. People looked down on you if you came from Attercliffe but they were the best bunch of people and looked after one another if they could. We also had friends called Fearnley - Janice, Susan and Lesley. Happy Days!

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I used to live on Beall St next to Huntsmans Gardens School. I don't remember you guys - but I used hang out with a buddy who lived on Baltic Rd called Arthur Higgins. He lived in the yard about half way up the street on the right. This would be early sixties. If you look in the book about Attercliffe by Michael Liversedge (spelling??) there's a picture looking up Baltic Rd. In the picture you can see Arthur's grandmother in what was her usual 'perch' looking over the bit of a wall that faced down the street. I left Attercliffe in 1963. One item that used to determine who you knew in Attercliffe as kids was which secondary school you ended up in - Hartley Brook or Hatfield House Lane. Those of us that didn't make the grammar schools of course. Lot of rivalry in my day between the two. Both my mum and dad worked at the Baltic Bakery on Baltic Lane for a while in the 50's. Take care


Don't know if you saw my thread a few days ago but I lived next door to Arthur's grandma on Baltic Road. (No.48). Haven't seen anything of him since the houses were demolished. He used to knock about with Alan Richardson who lives very near to me now. Arthur's gran sadly was killed by a lorry which reversed into her - very sad.

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I used to live on Beall St next to Huntsmans Gardens School. I don't remember you guys - but I used hang out with a buddy who lived on Baltic Rd called Arthur Higgins. He lived in the yard about half way up the street on the right. This would be early sixties. If you look in the book about Attercliffe by Michael Liversedge (spelling??) there's a picture looking up Baltic Rd. In the picture you can see Arthur's grandmother in what was her usual 'perch' looking over the bit of a wall that faced down the street. I left Attercliffe in 1963. One item that used to determine who you knew in Attercliffe as kids was which secondary school you ended up in - Hartley Brook or Hatfield House Lane. Those of us that didn't make the grammar schools of course. Lot of rivalry in my day between the two. Both my mum and dad worked at the Baltic Bakery on Baltic Lane for a while in the 50's. Take care


i was born on beall street in 1951 my parents where george and bessie tomlinson my grandfather lived on the same street colin and olive cottam

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I Lived at 1 Newton Terrace Carbrook between surburton st, and st barts church

you went down a large entry.small garage at the side

I Think there was about 5 houses on the front.

The Gurnalls big family,lived there at the side of the entry.

Go down the entry and it was there back yards,

and behind them was another 5 houses,thats where I Lived,

over the wall from the church,with a great view in Lants chip shop.

(my grandad was care taker of st Barts in the late 60's A.Downs)

my nan lived in the next yard down from Jacksons chip shop.

She was Called Giles,

in the yard also lived M,Ali and family, 2 brothers,forget there names,

Pashley's,and Schofield's,

this was just a little higher up on the other side from the Pheasant Pub.

I Think we left about 1969 when they pulled the houses down.

I Miss my time down there.;o(

I lived there from 6 weeks old to 15yrs

so I Can say I Was dragged up down Attercliffe.lol

Edited by beemerchez
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I had a girlfiend (briefly) in the 60s called Susan Fearnley who lived in Baltic Road. She had an older sister called Janis


Used to be good mates with Susan and both her sisters. Met her by chance quite a few years ago but never again since. Did you come from Attercliffe too?

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