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What is the best way to stop smoking?

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You have to change your psychology to smoking, it takes a while because it has to go into your subconcious, but if you really think about the amount of harm you are doing to your body every time you have a smoke, you will soon no longer enjoy smoking and after a while it becomes a hassle to smoke.

Physically, patches help the nicotine withdrawal, lollipops give your mouth and hands something to do to replace the habit, and exercise makes you realise that it would be much nicer to be able to run without getting all out of breath.

Don't beat yourself up to much if you do fail to give up the first few times but don't give up trying to give up.

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I've read it and it is very good, but you really have to want to stop smoking for it to work.


I thought I wanted to, but I was actually too scared to quit. Stopped once and failed, I must try again and soon, but feeling that you have failed before you beginis something of a handicap.

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