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What is the best way to stop smoking?

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Originally posted by marie1951

how can you stop smoking what is the best way to stop



its not very.. you just have to very slowly reduce the amount you smoke..


and when you want one.. you should try and do something else to try and keep urselff occupied so that you maybe able to forget about the ciggie


goOd luck!

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When I smoked cigarettes, I suddenly realised that I was on my way to a painfull debilitating condition which meant circulation problems, (amputation of limbs) emphisemia, Heart disease, Brain tumor, Cancer of the lung, Gasping for breath on my deathbed.


So, I decided to stop smoking, fine in theory, but how? The first thing to do is cut down, one a day less the first week, two a day less the second week and so on until you are only smoking three per day, one after breakfast, one after lunch, and one after dinner.


From then on you have cracked it, because, if you can manage on three per day you don't need any at all. All this happened fifty years ago and I can still breath perfectly and I am in good health apart from a little Arthritis.

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