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What is the best question you have been asked in an interview?

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Can we all cut the <removed> charade and let's just both be honest... we're here because we have a role to fill, you're here because you want to earn money (so no giving me any clichéd tripe pretending otherwise); here is what we want you to do, this is how much we will pay you, and this is when you will be expected to work, can you do it?



Ok, it didn't actually happen, but if it did it would be refreshing.

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  • 3 years later...

When asked on a teaching interview

"Why should we employ a Russian teacher?"


I replied that I was British and therefore ineligible,and that they must have asked themselves that question before advertising and therefore knew the answer already.I did not get the job.

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I was once asked "what is the one question you don't want to be asked?"


I said "you can ask me anything" - not sure if it made any difference but I got the job - I found out subsequently that there were only two on the shortlist and the other didn't turn up for interview!

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