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What is the best question you have been asked in an interview?

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Not exactly on topic, but many years ago, I was late for an interview because I was called in to the Managers office of my current job, and given my cards - not because I had done anything wrong (well, apart from trying to sneak off a bit earlier than usual), but because they were making some redundant.


Anyway, because I was late setting off from work, I had to run about a mile, arrived sweating like a pig and all stressed out and totally un-prepared, and late.


I gave my wrong date of birth, (it made me only 2 months old), and made a complete ****-up of the interview -


I got the job!

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Can we all cut the bulls**t charade and let's just both be honest... we're here because we have a role to fill, you're here because you want to earn money (so no giving me any clichéd tripe pretending otherwise); here is what we want you to do, this is how much we will pay you, and this is when you will be expected to work, can you do it?




That would be a rubbish question, you're going to say "yes" aren't you. The entire point of the interview (from their side) is for them to try to determine if that's actually true.

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When I was 17 myself and a friend both had interviews at the same office for the same job, hers was Monday mine Tuesday so after her interview I asked her loads of questions (it was the first job I'd tried to get) and listened to every word. She told me the interviewer was a bit of a lech, asked her questions about boyfriends and social life and spent the whole interview trying to look down her top.

Now when I called her a friend I meant it very loosely, I wasn't too keen on her so I was determined to get the job instead of her (because the bragging rights for working at the sweet factory were worth it :roll: ) so on the day of my interview I piled on the make up, wore a nice above the knee skirt with slit and a low cut top thinking I had the job in the bag.

When they called me in the interviewer, a lady in her late 30's, looked at me in disgust and firstly asked me..

1. Did I know the job is factory and not glamour model based?

2. Did I own any clothes that didn't show my breasts?


3. Would I leave through the side door so I don't distract the production line.


She even took the trouble to call the careers office and tell them too so I had to do a preparing for interviews course....:blush:

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Can you give an example of when you had to multitask?


Yes, I was in a rush getting here, and so to save time I had a wee and brushed my teeth at the same time. By doing this task, I evaluated the tasks I needed to do (have a wee and brush my teeth), I evaluated the tools needed to complete these 2 tasks (2 hands).


I then had to decide or prioritise which was the most important, and because I had spent so long analysing I decided to do both tasks at the same time, using the tools I had available (my two hands)

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  • 1 month later...
Can you give an example of when you had to multitask?


Yes, I was in a rush getting here, and so to save time I had a wee and brushed my teeth at the same time. By doing this task, I evaluated the tasks I needed to do (have a wee and brush my teeth), I evaluated the tools needed to complete these 2 tasks (2 hands).


I then had to decide or prioritise which was the most important, and because I had spent so long analysing I decided to do both tasks at the same time, using the tools I had available (my two hands)


It's a joke???:)

I think it should be relevant to your job....



Production manager job description

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