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The Yorkshire Ripper


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  • 10 months later...

The prostitute that was with Sutcliffe when he was caught was up in court a few weeks later for soliciting again. I know her name but won't put it here for data protection reasons. However you'd have thought she might have taken 5 after such a close shave wouldn't you?

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My friend was a WPC in Sheffield a few years ago, and she told me that Peter Sutcllife didn't hide his weapons at the scene on Melbourse Avenue, but they were found in a toilet cistern at the nick on Hammerton Road. Perhaps this is why the arresting officers did not receive the reward? Of course, it could by a made up story, but she definately believed it.


Kristian x


he did hide a knife in the cistern at hammerton rd the other articles were found on melbourne avenue tha hammer and screwdriver. the west yorkshire police did not want to know when hammerton rd told them they had caught the ripper. It was only when bob ring returned the following evening 26 hours after the arrest and recovered the items at melbourne avenue that the police in west yorkshire started to take any notice. one more thing if it was not for the custody sargeant refusing to realease him within a hour of his arrest he would have walked out without charge. the two arresting offices did not have a clue who he was it was a hunch by the custody sargaent that kept him there he should have got the reward money

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I know a lad that was actually at the station on a charge, who had to be moved out of the station because of Peter Sutcliffe. My mate could have really sorted him out too if he'd have known. Judge, Jury and Executioner all in one go. No need to waste tax payers cash keeping him in Prison either....if only eh?

he did hide a knife in the cistern at hammerton rd the other articles were found on melbourne avenue tha hammer and screwdriver. the west yorkshire police did not want to know when hammerton rd told them they had caught the ripper. It was only when bob ring returned the following evening 26 hours after the arrest and recovered the items at melbourne avenue that the police in west yorkshire started to take any notice. one more thing if it was not for the custody sargeant refusing to realease him within a hour of his arrest he would have walked out without charge. the two arresting offices did not have a clue who he was it was a hunch by the custody sargaent that kept him there he should have got the reward money
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I worked at a school at this time and one of the mothers was the wife of senior Sheffield policeman. The morning after the arrest she came to school and told us that one of the arresting Police was known amongst the squad as bit of a peeping tom.

They had had complaints from courting couples about a man peeping in the car windows carrying a bucket, which I presume was his helmet.

Perhaps this is why he didn''t get the reward.




The news of his arrest was kept secret for three days arrested friday news released mom pm

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The prostitute that was with Sutcliffe when he was caught was up in court a few weeks later for soliciting again. I know her name but won't put it here for data protection reasons. However you'd have thought she might have taken 5 after such a close shave wouldn't you?


her name as already been mentioned on this thread

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this book was written before the chap in SUNDERLAND got caught this makes the book pure fiction



The man who wrote that book posts on the forum under the name (strangely enough) of noelogara, and hopefully he may pass some comment on this thread.

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the girl who used to live next door to me was a "working girl" (coff). she and the lass that they finally caught sutcliffe with, used to work as a pair, on the streets.


It's eerie to think that he was as close as he was to murdering someone here in Sheffield.


I was only eleven when his first known victim was killed, (in 1975) I was much of an age of one of this woman's sons..


The youngest girl who was murdered by him was only 16, she was only about a year older than I was. (edit to add/ correct:- she was killed in June 1977, making her 3 or so years older than me)


I remember the terror and fear that we women felt, going out at night, particularly. Every bloke was viewed with the greatest of suspicion. every bloke, or any bloke could have been the yorkshire ripper. Thank god he was caught.


I heard that the sheffield coppers who caught him never got the offered reward that the newpapaers etc out up, because he was arrested by thenm in the course of their duties.


That was a proper SWIZZ! It was so unfair!


They should have received DOUBLE the reward, AND medals, on medals, for what they did. It's unbelieveable that they nabbed this ***@*@*"(:, simply because they were astute enough to cotton on to the dodgy number plates on the car..


Amazing. Those coppers should have had a knighthood for what they did.



Deffinately agree.

Duties? Bah.

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