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Plugs Ticket Prices --- Sort it Out


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Dunno what you're complaining about. The DJ's fees go up, security fees go up, therefore the clubs prices have to go up. Plug isn't a charity they are in the business of making money. While you might think its unfair thats economics for you. If you don't like it vote with your feet, nobody is making you go.

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It absolutely disheartens me (i am one of the bookers at Plug) to read this post.


We started out a month ago offering NYE at £15, which i still think compares us to ALL THE VENUES OVER 400 capacity as one of the cheapest NYE price in the city. For that price you got 2 very good international DJ's.


We started trying to book Erol Alkan back in January 2007.....we eventually after doubling up with Notts, got him confirmed for nearly twice the price we originally offered, in July. Now if im truly honest, its a bloody snip. Because he probably could have played a London venue or anywhere in Europe for twice the price, but he actually loves playing Sheffield.....so much so...he practically begged for the midnight slot in Sheffield, much to Notts annoyance. We were amazed he agreed to humble Sheffield on NYE, and did high fives round the office for a week.


Now if your not a lover of Erol or Trophy Twins, i understand not wanting to pay £20. But i might add, places like Embrace & Leadmill whose djs will be getting under £300 for their slots, if they are lucky, are still charging £15 +'s. Are they wrong?


We all have to pay double time for security and staff on NYE. Plus trust me, getting staff to work it aint that easy either.


Last year, we only just broke even on NYE.


For the members on here moaning about our lineups.....by all means, let me know what you want us to book....maybe we are already trying??? Maybe we arent, and need your assistance as to what we should be booking....They are 52 Saturdays in the year, thats a lot of bookings....can you not see why we bring people back?!?


Regarding pricing.....we would absolutely LOVE to reduce our prices....but with band gigs its set by the agent/management, and club nights on what we are booking dj wise.


For Jan onwards next year, Shuffle is 75% of the time £5 adv and NUS, £7 on the door!!! I think "most" of our competition is similar and they dont open to 4/5am nor do they bring talent to the city like we do.


For those occasions that Shuffle is more, its because we are playing flights/accomodation/travel from airports/excess baggage charges/djs fees for that booking/artiste that people want to see, and we cant swallow it up with £5 charges.....we'd love to...but just cant....if we did, we'd have been bankrupt 2 years ago.


Lastly, we have sold over 700 tickets for this event already....so fortunately for us, some people dont think we are ripping them off.....praise the Lord!





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Its interesting to actually hear how everything works, from the people that know, appericate it!


In terms of the variation of Djs, we do see different Djs/ groups playing at plug and the likes of steve angello and axwell have never seen plug so rammed on the saturday nights for the electro scene.


Personally I would like to see a night which is held solely for producers, headlining a number of producers who are not renoud Djs, and I bet their fees wont that expensive. I know some dont do gigs but there are plenty that do!


and adele thanks for the info!

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