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Where's The 'Cliff' In Attercliffe?


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An absurd statement, as if people lived in nameless settlements until William the Conk's commissioners made up names and wrote them in a book.


It might be the earliest attested reference to the name (though I don't know if that is true either).


Hugh :)


Hi HughW


I think we can safely assume that William the Conqueror's commissioners did not simply make up names for areas they visited, rather they would have asked the owners, in this case the Earl Waltheof. In addition to ascertaining the extent and value of land held or rented, they would have asked 'Quo Warranto' - by what right did Waltheof own or hold the land - I think they were pretty thorough in their work.


See my next missive about wikipedia.



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This thread started off as a simple request for info about the nomenclature of an important part of our city. Aside from a couple of errors along the way, it has opened up a serious concern about the DROSS we find in Wikipedia!


Personally I am going to write a new entry for Attercliffe in Wikipedia and look forward to fellow forummers contributing snippets of info that they think ought to be in Wikipedia's entry. Things that spring to mind are the industrial heritage, major steel works without which WWII would have been a much briefer affair!


More recently, the World Student Games which, whether we loved or hated them, acted as a catalyst for many millions of pounds in regeneration money being invested in the area.


Any thoughts or snippets to include will be welcomed.



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I've done some tidying up on the Attercliffe wiki page

One question, although I'm aware that there is a lot of 'adult entertainment' etc in the area, does anyone know that the claim that it is "a centre for Sheffield’s LGBT population" is based on reality?

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Hi TallTim


If you were telling a complete stranger about your family history, wouldn't you want to keep quite about that strange uncle, whom no-one talks about, who has a predelection that finds him in red-light areas of an evening!


Every city has red-light districts but Attercliffe is definitely not the 'Soho of the North'.


Nuff said my friend - erase all evidence of it!



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