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Ecclesfield 'village'

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used to be a good night out but now so boring, and the old shop is even closed, poor old geoff. used to have some good weekends down there with mad pete drajling can anyone remember john who used to have white bear i think he was the best landlord.

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I can remember Trevor in The Tankard 30 odd years ago.....


So can I, and his wife Stella. The square is actually called Stocks Hill, as in days past that's where the village stocks were sited. In my childhood, Stocks Hill did not look like it does now - the central part was just pebbles and shale, and used as a large car park. At the back of this 'car park' and facing The Tankard (now The Stocks) were two rows of houses, joining up really far back into the now grassed area. They formed an inverted V shape, and were known locally as 'The Isle'. Just around the corner in Church Street (on the left as you leave Stocks Hill, was another pub (but before my time). It was on the corner of Church Street and Priory Road. It is still there, but is two shops at ground level, with flats above. Its name was The George and Dragon'.

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So can I, and his wife Stella. The square is actually called Stocks Hill, as in days past that's where the village stocks were sighted. In my childhood, Stocks Hill did not look like it does now - the central part was just pebbles and shale, and used as a large car park. At the back of this 'car park' and facing The Tankard (now The Stocks) were two rows of houses, joining up really far back into the now grassed area. They formed an inverted V shape, and were known locally as 'The Isle'. Just around the corner in Church Street (on the left as you leave Stocks Hill, was another pub (but before my time). It was one the corner of Church Street and Priory Road. It is still there, but is two shops at ground level, with flats above. Its name was The George and Dragon'.

Nigel What year about did the g and d close as i seem to remember it as a young lad was it in a terrace on the right hand side, Arthur.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, let me see now.In the sixties/seventies, growing up in Ecclesfield...There was a cafe and reading rooms just down from the church and across from Coldwells shop.Going up the road in the direction of Greno was Bennets butchers, moss greengrocers, slaughter house,library,midland bank, bennets grocery store, ironmongers,not in that particular order.Further up was 'Sanders stores' which was predominantly a sweet shop but did sell groceries too, run by a lovely old couple.Bookers sweet shop was on the other side of the road almost opposite greengrocers, next to Bolton's the bakers.Then there was I think a bookies and a drapery shop.

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Ok, let me see now.In the sixties/seventies, growing up in Ecclesfield...There was a cafe and reading rooms just down from the church and across from Coldwells shop.Going up the road in the direction of Greno was Bennets butchers, moss greengrocers, slaughter house,library,midland bank, bennets grocery store, ironmongers,not in that particular order.Further up was 'Sanders stores' which was predominantly a sweet shop but did sell groceries too, run by a lovely old couple.Bookers sweet shop was on the other side of the road almost opposite greengrocers, next to Bolton's the bakers.Then there was I think a bookies and a drapery shop.


You are quite right about all these buildings. I remember them all. Bennett's grocers was known locally as 'The Busy Bee'. Their daughter Joy, was in my class at school. She died aged nine in May 1953 - the result of a tragic accident on the slide in Ecclesfield Park. Her death touched the entire village. We were friends. Her parents gave me one of her books, suitably inscribed. I still have it all these years later. Joy was a very bubbly girl. What a tragedy.

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My Auntie used to rent the whole upstairs above the shops. I remember there being a chippy, Moss' fruit & veg and the butchers, the upstairs rooms were huge.


The building your Aunt lived in was the old pub 'The George and Dragon'. The chippie and the fruit shop were the pub's tap room and best room. Above was the living quarters. I think my maternal Grandfather kept it in business - or so my Mum said. The cafe by the old Reading Room was known affectionally as 'Tiddler's'. If your Aunt was a slim, blonde lady, then I remember her. The name Carruthers springs to mind, but knowing me - most likely wrong. The building where Kath Booker had her shop, dates back to the early 1700's. Jack Stanton was the Bookie. When I was a kid, the shop you remember being occupied by Bolton's Bakers from Chapeltown, was the village Post Office. Arthur, I am still trying to find out when the pub closed, but the pub in the terrace was The Griffin - a building stretching back to the 1400's. I understand it was closed as it was getting noisy and the neighbours objected.

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