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Ecclesfield 'village'

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Peter Hurdley was the optician. I used to go to him for my glasses.:D


Jimmy was the optician and he only retired a couple of years ago. It is now run by his son Alex.

Peter had the grocers after his dad retired for a short while.

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Is it near to the library in that new bit ? If so it must be close to where the sportsman pub used to stand, well to within a few feet anyway.




Yes.Just here (pic taken 1962)

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Yes.Just here (pic taken 1962)


thanks tonio, im going to print a copy to send to my mum & dad. it should bring back a few memory,s for them. I must have walked passed there every day when i was at rawsons infants, cant remember it though.

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Thats funny I must have done that too but I can't remember that pub either and I was 11 in 1962 and just left juniors:shocked:


The date is correct as it was taken on a 35mm camera that I got for my 21st in Nov 1961

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I think this has been mentioned previously on the 'Ecco pages' , but they used to sell ice lollies to t' school kids from round t' back o' pub , i often used to buy one and i'd make it last until i got to the top o' Greaves Road...:hihi:

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