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Ecclesfield 'village'

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I too remember Mrs Catlin. She lived at 15 Cross Hill. As you say, her chips were brilliant. She had a terrific sense of humour, and knew just how to deal with the drinkers who went into the chippie. Everyone liked her. I remember Harry Wilson too, and his wife. I believe he had to have a leg amputated. The fruit and veg shop was just opposite the Ball Inn before being demolished for the new stretch of road. Also all the old cottages around there. I do remember something about the lady at the fruit shop being in the newspaper when I was a paper lad, but in all honesty I cannot remember what for. The Sportsman at one time, was known as 'Mary's House' - its landlady being Mrs Mary Beard. There was a Tannery next to it too (before my time). My Dad was cousin to Harry Rusby (who's family lived in Bank House. Later Harry and his wife Muriel turned it into The Regency). I spent many hours in the gardens there. It was a fantastic house - so ornate inside. You are right about the penny Hovis loaves - they were really nice - a complete miniature loaf. The Regency is still there, but has been extended and become the Regency Court (flats). There was an old farm opposite Bank House. It was on the site which Dearden Court now occupies.


Is the chippy everyone is talking about the wooden hut opposite the nurses home. Chipppy? wooden hut? can that be right? It's what I remember. They were great chips but that is a long time ago, early fifties.

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I remember working with three bachelor brothers at Greens foundry in the early 70's. They were John, Henry, and Albert Higgins. They all lived in the same house in the Strawberry Avenue area. The manager at that time was Tommy Parkinson who I think played in the band. Top bloke was Tommy, a true gentleman.


Just joined this site. Interested in your comments about William Greens and the mention of Tommy Parkinson. Tommy is my husband's cousin and is sitting in our lounge at this very moment. He is now 92 and still loves his music. He was a member of Ecclesfield Band for many years. He remembers the Higgins brothers very well. He still lives in Ecclesfield.

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Just joined this site. Interested in your comments about William Greens and the mention of Tommy Parkinson. Tommy is my husband's cousin and is sitting in our lounge at this very moment. He is now 92 and still loves his music. He was a member of Ecclesfield Band for many years. He remembers the Higgins brothers very well. He still lives in Ecclesfield.


Say hello to him for me. He knows me. He is an excellent pianist.

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I remember working with three bachelor brothers at Greens foundry in the early 70's. They were John, Henry, and Albert Higgins. They all lived in the same house in the Strawberry Avenue area. The manager at that time was Tommy Parkinson who I think played in the band. Top bloke was Tommy, a true gentleman.


My father Ernest Miller worked for Green's all his working life. In the late forties one of his work mates was Athol Higgins, he had a brother Doug who was in the Merchant Navy. Are these Higgins related to yours?

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Tommy remembers your name but can't place where you met. Were you in Ecclesfield Band?


No, not the band. I was in Ecclesfield Priory Players for many years. I was also his postman. I knew his sister Freda. The Parkinsons and Whithams were well known Ecclesfield people. I am Kate and Colin Hoyland's nephew.

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No, not the band. I was in Ecclesfield Priory Players for many years. I was also his postman. I knew his sister Freda. The Parkinsons and Whithams were well known Ecclesfield people. I am Kate and Colin Hoyland's nephew.


Thanks for the prompt reply. I will pass the information on to Tommy and Freda when I next see them and let you know the results

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My father Ernest Miller worked for Green's all his working life. In the late forties one of his work mates was Athol Higgins, he had a brother Doug who was in the Merchant Navy. Are these Higgins related to yours?


Athol Higgings is alive and well and still living in Ecclesfield. He also was a longtime bandsman but with Chapeltown Band.

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My father Ernest Miller worked for Green's all his working life. In the late forties one of his work mates was Athol Higgins, he had a brother Doug who was in the Merchant Navy. Are these Higgins related to yours?


Hi Janner

Sent you a pm

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Thanks for the prompt reply. I will pass the information on to Tommy and Freda when I next see them and let you know the results


Spoke to Freda on the phone today, she remembers you very well. Told me she worked with your mother, Madge. She now lives in Jump.

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