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Ecclesfield 'village'

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eyup mate, im coming over on thursday may 14th. im staying with my sister up green,but we can meet up for a pint or ten, dont mind where.
ok mate, if im feelin up to it i'll gladly join you 4 a drink, maybe we can get mr nigel womersley out 4 a drink aswel eh?:thumbsup:
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Hi all new here :)


Nigel just reading your posts about the dam, find it really interesting regarding the deaths their "a suicide spot". How the fact that it could be really deep, would love to know the depth.


I loved playing around the dam and on the island and was always fascinated by the island and the history that must surround it.


The tunnels you mention from the church, are the entrances still visble? or where abouts where they?


I live in a interesting part of Ecclesfield my self, down Johnson Lane, right at the bottom! The history of my house has always fascinated me too, must be full of history!

HI WAILDRON21, if you contact the poeple at http://www.conservation.ecclesfield@gmail.com they can give you loads of info about most parts of the village. i hope this is of some use to you.

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I just want to say a big thank you to the staff of Ecclesfield Co_op. After voting yesterday, I shopped at the Co-Op. I had been home about ten minutes when the phone rang. It was the Co-Op. They told me I had left my wallet on the check out counter. It just goes to show there are still honest people out there. Thank you again, especially to the young lady who served me in the first place.

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