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Ecclesfield 'village'

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hello satuone


which company boys brigade was your brother in? I only remember Firth Park having a band (locally). I left Sheffield area in 1965 so it must have been after my time . Parents still lived there until 2 years ago when they passed away , my sister still lives opposite ebenezer in one of the "new " houses built on the chapel land when the church sold it all off .

Remember Stonebanks shop very well , it had one of the first vending machines 1d Beechnut chewing gum . many a sunday school collection penny was diverted for chewy ![/quote Hi disleydog I think me and my brother were before your time I was at EGS from 1954 - 58 and by brother is four years older than me so he was there from 1950-54, I am not quite sure which boys brigade band he was in I think they had a dark blue uniform.

I remember being a May Queen's attendant and walking round the Gatty Hall spreading rose petals for the May Queen. I still have photos and one of my daughters has snaffled them. It has been so good reading about the history of Ecclesfield which I left in 1966. Kind regards

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The Chapel Hall is now The EPPiC Theatre, belonging to Ecclesfield Priory Players. I was in EPP for over thirty years, and was Secretary at the time of purchase/conversion. It is a proper theatre, fully equipped. The balcony has gone, as there is now a coffee lounge upstairs. The dressing room is below the stage. In fact all the old interior has gone, but the outside can not be changed. All you need to do is type in Ecclesfield Priory Players. You can then see all parts of the theatre.


Hi Nigel glad to hear the Chapel Hall is still standing and I remember going with my mum to watch the Priory Players up in the Gatty Hall in my days. We still love the theatre and are "friends of WAAPA" which is a University specialising in drama and song and dance. Hugh Jackman (who hosted the Oscars) was a graduate. We have just seen a play called the Lieutenent of Inishmore which was a black comedy. It was very funny.

When we were courting we would go every Monday night to the Lycemum and watch the Wyndom Players which was two for the price of one.

Regards M

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hello satuone


which company boys brigade was your brother in? I only remember Firth Park having a band (locally). I left Sheffield area in 1965 so it must have been after my time . Parents still lived there until 2 years ago when they passed away , my sister still lives opposite ebenezer in one of the "new " houses built on the chapel land when the church sold it all off .

Remember Stonebanks shop very well , it had one of the first vending machines 1d Beechnut chewing gum . many a sunday school collection penny was diverted for chewy ![/quote Hi disleydog I think me and my brother were before your time I was at EGS from 1954 - 58 and by brother is four years older than me so he was there from 1950-54, I am not quite sure which boys brigade band he was in I think they had a dark blue uniform.

I remember being a May Queen's attendant and walking round the Gatty Hall spreading rose petals for the May Queen. I still have photos and one of my daughters has snaffled them. It has been so good reading about the history of Ecclesfield which I left in 1966. Kind regards


Hi Mal

It was the Church Lads Brigade(Tuesday nights at The Gatty Hall) of which your brother was a member

Lads of your age who were also members.....Les Sorsby,Mick Hanson,David Catlyn,David Marsden etc.

I was talking to Nipper Turner the other day and said I was in contact with you. He said that he remembers your Dad being a sawdoctor and that he used to bring his saws to him for sharpening.... 2/6d each...


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Thanks for that. I honestly thought it was later than that. My memory must be better than I first thought. I do remember the fire. My Dad told me not to go near the site, but as we all know, we think we know best. I stank of burning ashes when I returned home, so he knew I had been there.


Do you remember the old wooden hut in Mill Road, being burned down? After the first world war, the Wortley Rural DC erected four ex army huts on the present site of the prefabs. They were used for housing (just like the old Potter Hill camp). When they were demolished, one was left standing and it was used by WRDC as a store for old newspapers retrieved from the dustbins. One night it was set alight, by a person or persons unknown. I am confident that this was Saturday 4 July 1953.


If the hut(s) that burned down was used at one time for anything to do with German POWs (I'm led to believe they helped lay the roads around the Colley area) I know exactly who did it. My father 'fessed-up to a teenage arson spree involving circumstances and dates very similar to this. I often wondered where the scene of the naughty boy's crime was.

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If the hut(s) that burned down was used at one time for anything to do with German POWs (I'm led to believe they helped lay the roads around the Colley area) I know exactly who did it. My father 'fessed-up to a teenage arson spree involving circumstances and dates very similar to this. I often wondered where the scene of the naughty boy's crime was.
so what was or is your old mans name then:hihi:
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If the hut(s) that burned down was used at one time for anything to do with German POWs (I'm led to believe they helped lay the roads around the Colley area) I know exactly who did it. My father 'fessed-up to a teenage arson spree involving circumstances and dates very similar to this. I often wondered where the scene of the naughty boy's crime was.


Dan, I believe you are right. It did look like an army hut. Rather like the ones depicted in war films etc.

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Hi Mal

It was the Church Lads Brigade(Tuesday nights at The Gatty Hall) of which your brother was a member

Lads of your age who were also members.....Les Sorsby,Mick Hanson,David Catlyn,David Marsden etc.

I was talking to Nipper Turner the other day and said I was in contact with you. He said that he remembers your Dad being a sawdoctor and that he used to bring his saws to him for sharpening.... 2/6d each...



Hi Tony, dad was a sawdoctor and used to do his saws up in our attic. He worked for Elsworths in Hillsborough near Owlerton and then worked on the coke ovens for years but went back to Elsworths and retired from there and came to live in Perth in 1973. I still have his little hammer that he used to use and I am sure if I had to I could sharpen a saw as I used to watch him regularly. We used to play up in the attic and I remember in one corner we were never allowed to go as the floor had dry rot and there was a hole in the floor.

Our house was old with no electricity or hot water not even a sink just a stone slab. I remember Frank always putting the match through the gas mantle and getting told off!!!!!

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Dan, I believe you are right. It did look like an army hut. Rather like the ones depicted in war films etc.


Hi Nigel I remember the POW's in the village as mum bought a toy from one of them. It was a table tennis racket with a ball and string and a toy chicken on the top so that when you bounced it the chicken pecked. I think they were working in the village.

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