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Ecclesfield 'village'

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Thats where the ponys were kept, one big field before they built on it and there was a ginnel down the side of it leading to the park.


i lived on yew lane from 1953 till i married in 1966 used to fish eccy dam every spare mimute i had remember swimming in paddling pool when there was enought water in it used to go to pictures in chapletown and to dance at newton hall with mates john hutton fred baker tony wilson alan treadwell mick feetham happy days

Edited by rabitter
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I have lived in Ecclesfield since 1955 and the shop across from the old police staion was called Atheys. Mrs Atheys daughter Jean was in my class at school when it was the old Infants next to the old police station and the Juniors was across from the shops where the new houses are now. The building which now houses the junior and infant schools was the old secondary modern until 1961. I went to Ecclesfield Grammar in 1962 and the 1st and second year pupils used the old modern school building as there was not enough room at the one on Chapeltown Hill:hihi:

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Hi you Ecclesfielders, its the Church bell ringers coffee morning on Saturday 27th. Please come and have a coffee / tea/ savoury and cake (and spend a pound or so) with the ringers in the Church to support the Peal Appeal. 10.00am to 12.30pm



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