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Ecclesfield 'village'

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Does anyone know if Ian Jeffcoate and Michael Mole still live in /around the ECCO area ?

The last i knew of Ian, he lived up St Michaels in the 70's.....last time i saw Michael was a few years ago in the Black Bull pub .

They both attended Yew Lane Secondary Modern (now Yewlands ) 65-69 , and both will be around 56 years old ..thanks..GUZZIOWL


i think michael mole rings a bell was he only short ithink he was a mate of my hubby ameaba he went to yewlane hes 57

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does anyone remember the slaurter house nexed to the church i wans saw apig took in there and i hered it screamimg cruel gets i also remember going to the blacksmiths and asking for old horse shoes those were the days iwish i could get them back


do you mean the slaughter house behind peter bennets butchers shop? my dad used to work there years ago, and my mum & dad lived above the shop when they were first married.

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Wilds butchers used to have a slaughter house in the old yard between the library and Howarths chippy. I used to work there when i was 14 ( 1967 ) and Mr Wild would bring great big lumps of warm fat for me to cut up in to smaller pieces ( yuk !! )

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Wilds butchers used to have a slaughter house in the old yard between the library and Howarths chippy. I used to work there when i was 14 ( 1967 ) and Mr Wild would bring great big lumps of warm fat for me to cut up in to smaller pieces ( yuk !! )


eyup guzzi, would howarths chippy be the one that became micks fisheries? and wilds butchers would have been next door to the tankard. according to my mother they used to think it quite amusing to sit me on the counter in wilds and watch me raid the biscuit tin. this would have been 1960/61 when i was about 2 years old.

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Eighup Syca, correct on both counts , at Howarths you 'allus' got more for your money...but they weren't as nice as Jones's in t' lane.

I used to hate going in to Wilds & Sid Moss's wi ' mi ' mother (when i were a young'un:hihi:) co's we were queuing for ages and i used to get bored silly:rant:

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Eighup Syca, correct on both counts , at Howarths you 'allus' got more for your money...but they weren't as nice as Jones's in t' lane.

I used to hate going in to Wilds & Sid Moss's wi ' mi ' mother (when i were a young'un:hihi:) co's we were queuing for ages and i used to get bored silly:rant:


yes thats the one we used to call the chippy greasy veres because they used to cook in dripping ithink tyhe once found a rat

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