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Ecclesfield 'village'

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I have lived in Ecclesfield since 1955 and the shop across from the old police staion was called Atheys. Mrs Atheys daughter Jean was in my class at school when it was the old Infants next to the old police station and the Juniors was across from the shops where the new houses are now. The building which now houses the junior and infant schools was the old secondary modern until 1961. I went to Ecclesfield Grammar in 1962 and the 1st and second year pupils used the old modern school building as there was not enough room at the one on Chapeltown Hill:hihi:


If you mean the beer off and grocery shop that Mirrie and George Athey had in the50/60s, at 43 High St, they didn't have any kids. Sam and Maisie Steel took it over from them. Sam used to be a coalman around Eco and they lived in Priory rd with their kids Mari and Annette.

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does anyone remember craig booker? his parents had the sweet shop opposite the bottom of priory road. we were goog freinds through infant & junior school but when i went up to ecco comp craigs mum sent him to a grammer school on the other side of sheffield. never saw him much after that.

I stayed on to the 6th and upper 6th form at Ecco Comp and Craig Booker came to take his A levels as his grammar school didn't do them. He acquired the nickname Thug, was heavily into Hawkwind, Yes, Sabbath and Blue Oyster Cult. You'd never see him without an armful of LP's. We had a common room and he and a few others, me included, learnt how to play at bridge. A dozen of used to play 3 card brag at lunchtime or free periods, for 2p a card bet and when the teachers came in we'd get the bridge cards from under the table and start bidding bridge terms.

I'm sure he went off to a university, he was a bright kid.

Mind you, we all sat the S Level general paper for the experience and it was in several sections: language; music; religion etc, and for his music essay he wrote the history of Black Sabbath. I think it was meant to be Mozart, Brahms & Beethoven etc. His argumant was quite convincing though, music is music is it not?

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  • 2 weeks later...
The shop that is now Harrods was previously owned by Mrs Mary Pick. She traded as a general grocery store. The shop next door which is now the takeaway was previously owned by Mrs Alma Hague. It too was a general grocery store, then Mrs Hague changed it to a chippie. I never knew that there was a pond there years ago. I know there was a large dam at the back of the old Brightside Foundry. I would be very interested to know more about the pond at the corner of Green Lane and The Common. Where did you get your information from? Thanks.


Nigel, the shop is my shop and has been for 24 years now! when we moved there Arthur and Lilian Beaumont lived next door at 4, Green lane... a really lovely couple. it was Arthur that told me about the pond although I stupidly never asked him the year!! he said local kids used to skate on it in the winter.. he was in his late 70's I would say then so I expect his memory went way back!

i have to say I have been quite tearful reading these posts about our lovely village, I am so proud to have run a business from it for so long... i also went to St Peters so Ecclesfield is most definately in my blood!

Thanks so much to all for sharing your memories, its a pleasure reading them! :)

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Alma Hague who had the shop and chippie was my cousins Mum in Law I'll ask them about the pond.


so did Alma once own our shop? I know the lady we bought it from in 1987 was called Norma? oops cant remember her surname ( thats what running a business does for you) she was married to a builder and the lived in a house just above the British Legion in Chapletown? when we moved there the chip shop was owned by Paris, who I believe owns the chip shop up in the village??

many thanks for your reseach! :)

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