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Ecclesfield 'village'

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forgot to say im not sure what braybrookes old shop is now. It might be one of those sunbed body tan places, not 100% sure though. mr & mrs braybrooke moved from there up onto high street in the early/mid 70,s and ran what is now the co op, across from the ball pub.


You were right about Braybrooke's old shop being a solarium. I must be getting really old, as I remember that shop when it was the front room of a house just like the ones in the same row of cottages. It had a rather large passage at the side of it, and that is how the shop was extended. I remember Braybrookes very well indeed. Mrs Braybrooke was a lovely woman. She came from Holland. When they left the shop they took over what is now the Co-op in High Street. It was called The Eucomarket. I knew their son John Junior. Roger Cooke is still in the village. As a child he lived in Johnson Lane. I knew his brother and sister too. I also knew Stephen Bentley. He started life in Butterthwaite village before moving to Primrose Drive. We knew him as 'Binks'. I also remember Maria Howarth having the chippie in Church Street.

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Hello again nigel, i wonder if mr & mrs beaumont from green lane were any relation to greta beaumont / greensmith, who lives across the road from my parents on sycamore. I also remember mrs braybrooke as being a nice, pleasent woman. the shop seemed so big inside when we were young, until : dells : opened in chapletown, and that seemed enormous inside.

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Hello again nigel, i wonder if mr & mrs beaumont from green lane were any relation to greta beaumont / greensmith, who lives across the road from my parents on sycamore. I also remember mrs braybrooke as being a nice, pleasent woman. the shop seemed so big inside when we were young, until : dells : opened in chapletown, and that seemed enormous inside.
eyup sycamore, sorry but greta died a year or so back, theres just eldest son mark living in the house now
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Thanks for letting me know mate. one of the problems with living over here, old poeple from the village keep passing on and i dont find out for months. I found out today that john lane, who ran the travellers pub died on tuesday ( 30th ) I think john & mary were there from 69 to 89. To be honest the most genuine bloke i have ever met. a sad loss.

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I remember about that ecco park, i really have wonderful experience there with friends, paddling is really fun


do you remember sat dance at newton hall we used to pay for one to go in and open back door for the others then get pass out and go drinking in royal oak tilllast hour then back to dance does anyone know a fred baker he lived at high green and was a good mate of mine

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so big inside when we were young, until : dells : opened in chapletown, and that seemed enormous inside.


I remember when dels opened and we thought that too ! I remember my sister going in and saying ''it's fantastic, you go in one door and come out of another ! :hihi:

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hi erino, if you go from your shop up the common past the park on the left, braybrookes was the first shop of the 2 just before you turn left into linden rd. I remember you and roger moving into your shop. I used to work at the car dismantlers behind the police station at that time and came round for sandwichs most days. in 1990 you had a little red van that i fitted a new clutch in, roger might rember that. for the past 16 years i have been living in ireland but i come over 3 or 4 times a year to see family and freinds. I am coming over in 2 weeks so i will call in for that egg sandwich.:)


Hi Syca,

I remember you fitting the clutch!! it was a little rascal va with a picture of a little chef on it ( based on Rogers looks lol) and for a fellow Irishman, you are very welcome to call for your Bacon and Egg!! most of my family are still in Ireland lol I didnt translate the kiss my arse though, my Gaelic is not that hot!! thanks for the info...:)

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