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What's happened to the Arches?


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Originally posted by Agent ****

What other nights ran there? We've been racking our breains but can only ever remember Headcharge, Planet Zogg, and I seem to remember a drum and bass night there (no idea what it was called).


Wasnt the D&B night called Coalition?


There hadnt been many nights there in the last few years - but going back a few years - Remedy ran there for while, and Curfew & Spoof used to do a few parties there- and of course Gatecrasher ran there for ages... and in the mid 90s there were quite a few regular nights... but most found it quite a difficult venue to make work for variety of reasons...

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I used to go to the arches about 12 years ago (it was called SADMAC at the time -sheffield and district music appreciation club- an unfortunate acronym), there was a house night called Scooby's Do (Graeme Park played the first time I went)- it was great- I was into techno/trance at the time, but it opened my mind to the more soulfull side of things. Smokescreen did a lot of fantastic nights there about 10 years ago and went on to do a regular night called Boxed (the arches at it's best IMO)- I'm getting all nostalgic now and also feeling quite old !:( as I don't get to go clubbing anymore:cry:

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Other nights at the Arches? That’s a tricky question, I guess I was at most of them but remembering is a different matter!

Curfew and Lifemind for a while, followed by Livemind, Remedy was there for quite a long time, Gatecrasher was there for ages before suddenly deserting the place. Return to the source did quite a few nights and some spin off nights followed, Flo I think did a few flouro nights, Some people from Manchester did a few good nights, think it began with 'D' but can't remember the name, then they did a one-off at the Octagon. Children of the Bong played there before it was even the Arches, that was a top night. If I had I may not burned so many brain cells at the place I may have been able to remember more!

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and i'm sure corporation did a few weeks/months down there after bank street closed (a VERY sad occasion for all). never went to corp at the arches so can't really comment but it seems like i personally found the place a little too late...gatecrasher at the arches, oh man!

even if it never reopens its nice we were all there at some point, would love one last big bash there though, how about it any of you go-getters listening out there?


and any thoughts on why zogg managed to lift itself up again, whilst headcharge has tried and tried, yet crashed and burnt (sorry maybe a little over the top!)

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and any thoughts on why zogg managed to lift itself up again, whilst headcharge has tried and tried, yet crashed and burnt (sorry maybe a little over the top!) [/b]


It was the luck of the draw - Zogg moved to Zero quite early (last Jan) when it still didnt have the best of reputations... while Headcharge hung in there at the Arches.


The management of Zero have done a great job in turning the club around whereas things didnt go quite so well at the Arches - and then, when the Arches shut, there werent really any suitable venues left for Headcharge in Sheffield...


I suppose Zogg wasnt as tied to the Arches as Headcharge was, as it had started at the Otherside and grew out of Dionysus/Destination Venus, and so it was easier for it to leave the Arches.


But things could easily have gone the other way - the Arches could have sorted itself out and Zero might not have turned itself around... it just the way things turn out...

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true true, hooray for .zero i first started going to zero not too long ago when a night called shush ran there on a saturday i think it was. a really good night, perfect for saturday night energies.and, surprisingly i've never managed to get to zogg at zero (only Everyone Centre once since departure from the Arches) but hey hey hey i'm off to mutoid tonight...see you there guys.

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I found that when i first started goingto headcharge i really liked the chilled out atmosphere etc, after crasher shut after the raid a lot of the crasher kids started at headcharge and many of them were frighteningly young. I went right off headcharge after i saw girls who looked about 13 f'in up in the toilets on pills with old guys trying to take advantage as they were. The girls were far too young to be there and i saw it happen the last 4/5 times i went there.

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