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What did you collect when you were younger?


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Anybody remember a stall down the rag market back in the old days, I think it belonged to the Patnicks. Anyhow, he used to have some good stuff on there. He had all these boxes of cigaret cards in bundles, selling them for about 3d (old money). But what grabbed me were bundles again of old magazines. I say old, but they were in almost mint condition. I've always been an avid reader and if ever I'd got a little spare bread I'd spend it on these. He sold them for a tanner a bundle. There were 'Strand Magazine' dating from about 1905, 'Gentlemans Magazine' about the same period, really old but clean 'Boys Own Paper' and 'Scout'. Amazing stuff really, be worth a lot of money now, probably worth more than Mr Patnick was selling them for then. Probably they were part of a house clearance.

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I noticed on another thread someone mentioned Balkan Sobranie cigarets and it reminded me of a collecting mania we had when at school. We used to collect ( hoping I dont step on any toes here), fag packets.

Of course back in the 40's there were a lot more cigarets being smoked, and it seemed a lot more brands available. We used to collect Regimental badges also, and cigaret cards, but the cigaret packet thing seemed more of a genuine foraging/collecting activity. When the American troops made their appearance in Sheffield in the late 40s we got the paper packets also, Lucky Strike, Camels, Raleigh, etc;etc. Anybody else get into this when they were kids?

Do kids collect anything nowadays, mobile phones, hairspray containers or anything?

most lads in the 70"s collected birds eggs,:loopy:we walked miles searching chatsworth house and wentworth dams were always popular ..
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I started off collecting PG Tips tea bag cards - I remember getting a whole set of the woodland wildlife ones!


As I got older I went on to rubbers in different shapes and sizes and all with different smells. I had a Daz soap powder one that really smelled of the soap powder! I then went on to beer mats, though I didn't collect many.


Nowadays I've got various bits of collections though I don't go for anything specifically.

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I used to collect the plastic tags that used to seal sliced loaves before the sellotape took over. There was a different colour for each day of the week's sell by date. I had a whole pot chicken full of them. How sad is that?


No it's wasn't sad - it was cool in those days. We used to fasten them around the brake cables on our bikes!


I also used to collect:-

Beer mats

Postcards (and still do!)

Pencil Toppers



and for ages I collected those triangle PDSA tokens from crisp packets. Needed absolutely loads in order to send off for about ten animal posters.

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I collected used postage stamps, the cards out of PG tips, fag packet cards, and best of all Train numbers, I spent many happy hours on Darnall station, the bridge over Shirland Lane and Victoria Station.

Later - Green Sheild Stamps, Embassy coupons and Co-op stamps

I still collect used postage stamps, just that I can now afford a decent album


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I collected the "Beano" http://www.thebookcave.com/images/Beano.JPG

i had a fine collection, or what would seem a fine collection to an 10 year old, must av ad around, 165ish... Bought it every week, i lved it... Sad thing is On the day we moved house, mi mam sent me off to school... i just had to go to the new house after etc while they took care of everything... the big wooden box i kept all my comics in was left behind...:rant:

I was gutted...:rant: i went back to the old house the next day but it had been boarded up as the old house was due to be demolished..... :gag:


I never bought it after that... i could'nt see the point in startin to collect them again.. and anyway.... there were other things in life... we had nice new Neighbours... who had a daughter the same age as me...;)



girls or the beano....??


should av stayed with the beano...

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I collect book marks, the leather ones mainly, from NT. gift shops .

although it's not in fashion at the moment, costume jewellery. also scarf clips.


Sorry, I misread the title of the thread.

but even so I was younger when I collected the last ones.

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