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What did you collect when you were younger?


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In the 1950s i was a cub/scout and my elder brother went to the jamboree in Sutton Coldfield and I then started collecting "WOGGLES" which kept your neckerchief fastened. I finished up with 100s from all over world.

As usual i cannot recall what happened to them.

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I used to collect models of footballers, (Prostars) up until being about 14. I started buying them when I was about 9 at Euro 96, I got a big England box set, wish I'd kept that in the box it'd be worth some money now. Then as I got older I started keeping them all in their boxes and went to the collectors convention in Birmingham. They used to be all I'd spend my pocket money on in Beatties. I'd get rid of quiet a few now, just frustratng as for most even though not in the box I'd not get what I paid for them. There would be some I'd like to hang onto though they made a special edition set when Man Utd won the treble in 1999, signed by Jaap Stam. It cost me £50 which at 12 which a crazy amount, I had to save up for that one.

For a year or something like that I started collecting football progreammes trying to get all the big games, Champions League Finals, F.A Cup Finals, England Games that sort of thing, favourite ones would be Man Utd Champion League Fianl 99 or Engalnd 5 Geramny 2001.

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In the 1950s i was a cub/scout and my elder brother went to the jamboree in Sutton Coldfield and I then started collecting "WOGGLES" which kept your neckerchief fastened. I finished up with 100s from all over world. As usual i cannot recall what happened to them.


I also went to the Jubilee Jamboree at Sutton Coldfield in 1957 (with the Sheffield 238th cubs). It was the 50th anniversary of scouting - the centenary was last year. And I also started to collect woggles. In my case the collecting began with a special bronze commemorative woggle with the scouting emblem, inscribed 1907-1957. They were on sale at the jamboree for half a crown and I blew my pocket money on one. I never actually wore it, as being made of bronze it was too heavy and kept slipping down. Needless to say, I don't still have my woggle collection!

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Most of the woggles I had were leather, as was the standard cubs' woggle (brown leather with the Scouts emblem in gold) but I remember being given a hand-carved wooden one by an Austrian scout, and (I think) I had one or two other metal woggles. I think the bronze one I bought at the Jubilee Jamboree in 1957 was "just for show" as it kept slipping down and so wasn't practical. At least one of this year's centenary woggles is a combination of bronze and leather, which would work better - see http://i13.ebayimg.com/06/i/000/b2/28/9160_1.JPG


and here's a rather snazzy brass one:



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Back in the 60s, Embassy cigarette packages used to contain coupons, which you could use to buy gifts from a catalog. I used to save them. If you literally smoked yourself to death you could get something like a TV with them. Imagine a scheme like that nowadays?

im sure berkely did a similar thing or was it lambert and butler in the late eighties i believe i remember workin behind a cagarete counter and the customers used to ask me to ask other customers to get them to save them for them x yea theyd never get away with schemes like that any more lol

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:Di used to collect erasers all difrent ones and difrent smells i had 100s you used to be able to get them from wh smiths i remmeber my my favourite one was a big one that looked and smelt like a bar of chocolate im sad lol

also i colected badges little tiny ones with the band (madness ) on them and i pinned them all to a waistcoat denim jacket , it was totaly covered in them & was my pride and joy:D till some sod nicked it at school :rant:

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Being a bit of a pertol head and sharing my late fathers love of the motor car, I used to attend at car shows and vehicle launches such as new VWs and Audi at Gilders on Middlewodd Road.


These events enabled me and a couple of my mates to start to amass a large library of vehicle brochures and they all ended up in a large box in alphabetical order.


I think they are all still in the box in my mums loft. !!


I also used to collect the comic Warlord and went from issue 1 to issue 100 when I gave up.

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