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Sheffield city centre pubs (worse service).


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I would say The Bankers Draft pub wins hands down.Ihave walked out more times than Icare to remember.Not been in for over a year, but what Ive heard the service(what service)is still the same.A close second Wetherspoons on Cambridge street,the down stairs bar,loads of staff but no one serving.Seem to think people like waiting to be served.My last gripe why not have a seperate bar area for people to order meals,tea,coffee ect.Or is that too easy.MERRY XMAS SANTA

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I have to agree and its next door to us....Bankers Draft service is fantastically slow, even when just 4 people at the bar and 2 bar staff, it can take 10 minutes for them to even notice you. Staff are about as cheerful and welcoming as an undertaker, they never smile or make eye contact, NEVER rush to serve anyone,.


I sometimes pop over to see what cask ales they have on and try one, and they are incapable of making basic conversation (most of them, not all), service is slower than, well anyone who tried to be slow could not serve a customer more slowly.....on top of that they rarely use the correct glassware (cask ale served to me in a branded lager glass on at least 2 visits). Those staff would not have a hope in hell of getting a job in a bar that put the customer first, like we do.......and if you dare to complain about the ale being 'past its best' as it can be there, you get the cold shoulder.....

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