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Peter Stringfellow and Sheffield

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Doe's anyone know what Jeff' Stringfellow's doing now as he's never mentioned with Pete and i always thought they were partners. I know they were inthe Black Cat days

Jeff & Peter split their partnership in Manchester after the Millionaire club, Peter went from success to success but Jeff tried a couple of ventures on his own which didn't make it then some years later he went to work for Peter. I heard he has now retired due to ill health.

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Where abouts in Sheffield was Peter from? Where was he born & raised? I heard that he used to work for a money lending firm. Is this true? Anyone out there brought up woth him or know him? Whats he really like? He intrigues me

He's an amazing, generous, kind, hardworking man.

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If I'm not mistaken he also used to live in the Lowedges area, his family had a shop there selling wool and things it was also the Post Office. My mum was good mates with him and he often used to come to my grans house when i was little.

No there was no wool shop in his family nor any owned venture prior to his

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  • 3 weeks later...
Definitely have to agree with you about Turn-Ups, it was a great place to go! Though I am biased as I worked there. After closing we all used to jump in a cab and go to Fanny's at Owler Bar (previously Five Ways). Anyone remember it?


I agree I chris polomski use to work their with my friend charly(collect glasses) pull the girls ,then go to 5 ways .


Vickers(scrap dealer) use to own turn ups then started a club in town centre ,cannot remember its name

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I can remember going to see Pete at his mum's house at the bottom of Derbyshire lane back in '69 - am not sure if Pete actually lived there but was under the impression he did. I wander if Pete ever looks at the SF to see what we are saying about him - all good of course!



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  • 4 months later...

Just found this thread, fascinating stuff. Does anyone remember a club in Sheffield called Shades? I lived in Wakefield and a boyfriend used to bring me over to Shades in Sheffield. Did anyone ever come over to Wakefield to the first ever disco in Wakefield called The Place. I remember Pete Stringfellow coming over there to see the manager Dave who also used to manage bands in Barnsley. I believe Pete and Dave were friends. I often wonder what happened to Dave.

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It sounds like you guys might be interested in this link.


Hendrix plays the Mojo[/url]


I was too young to get in in those days but it wasn't for the want of trying.

I remember trying to get this lass to sneak me in when Procul Harem played there.

Without sucess.


Hi all,

I dont remember Hendrix playing the mojo, but I think it was the same year he played the City Hall, I remember going to watch him, was about 14 at the time. Twas some gig, the guy was amazing, I guess he was my introduction to Rock/Blues and then onto Black Sabbath at City Hall a little heavier maybe but the beginnings of metal.


When we were younger we all went to a place called 'The Speakeasy' down Darnall, Top Rank, and also the place above the Ice Rink on Queens Road, got it now, Heatbeat. :loopy:


Memories :roll:

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