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Stannington Brass band


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Xmas day and Boxing day too! i'ts always quite enjoyable to play round the village.......the Whisky helps too!


For those of you out there who have not heard - the band competed at the Yorkshire brass band championships on Sunday 2nd March. We came a rather impressive 2nd place against a filed of 13 other bands in our section. This means the band has now been promoted to "THE CHAMPIONSHIP" section which is where the elite of brass bands are and next year we will be competing directly against the likes of Black Dyke, Grimethorpe, Brighouse and Rastrick band etc. It the first time in the history of the band they have achieved such a high ranking.


The band will also have the priviledge of representing Yorkshire at the national finals in Harrogate in September 2008.


Stannington band also remains one of the few (if not the only) bands at this level who are unsponsored and exists from subscription, funds from our concerts and generous donations from the people in the local community. The band pays no 'retainers' to any of it's players and still Stannington has some of the best attended rehearsals in the county - manily cos it's made up from people who live local, love making music and enjoy the company of the rest of their friends in the band.


Many thanks to everyone who has supported the band and long may it continue!


Looking forward to the pubs next year again and see you all next Christmas morning (PS you won't see Grimethorpe out on Xmas morning!!)

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  • 3 years later...

Just Googled the band, this thread came up, cleaning some tapes out this week I just came accross one by the Stannington Brass band, Christmas music by Musical Director Phillip Bingham and Sheffields teachers choir director Ralph Green...I.ve never played the tape, I'll just save it till Christmas now :)

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