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Hail to the Demotivator


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I wondered why no-one had responded to this posting. Is it because Falls has written nothing worth a comment?


No-one has commented because no-one is able to comment to give this posting the treatment it truly deserves. We are all inferior beings who one day may be worthy enough to comment.

Maybe one day someone will comment...

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I'll comment later. I'm demotivated, soul searching, depressed and I can't be bothered just now. ;)


Obviously, you haven't seen, "The light at the end of the tunnel".


If you are like me, you probably can't find "the tunnel" most of the time.


Even if you do find it and see the light, its usually fastened to the front of a big, fast locomotive. I have great sympathy for the Wile E Cayote.



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I'll comment later. I'm demotivated, soul searching, depressed and I can't be bothered just now. ;)


I hope it’s not a case of “Goodbye cruel world” if so phone 08457 90 90 90 The Samaritans, we would hate to lose you Shoeshine.

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Obviously, you haven't seen, "The light at the end of the tunnel".

If you are like me, you probably can't find "the tunnel" most of the time.



The last time I thought I saw “the light at the end of the tunnel” it was a bailiff with a torch. :suspect:


Ill have a read tonight and give my opinion later.

I remain your penury servant


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