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Reborn baby dolls - seriously creepy.

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yeah, i couldnt help but laugh when she was waiting for the parcel to arrive .... and said ..... 'this is one long labour' !!!! LOL


she was a complete and utter fruit cake


I said to my OH, what's next? It wouldn't surprise me if they started doing reborn holiday packages/birthing experiences in the USA, which take place in a fake hospital theatre, with actors dressed as theatre staff, and a screen erected, like with a c-section, and you get to buy the video of it being born too! (hey! - you saw it here first - i want a cut if someone starts a business with my idea!)


When the woman who paints the reborns was parking up with her doll, using the parent and child space, I wondered how many would be tempted to take one shopping, when Waitrose's are expecting a busy period?

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The way she said 'it's imperfect' gave me the shivers - thank god she's never having a real one.


That was my initial reaction, especially after she'd said she'd love a baby if she could pick one off the shelf, guaranteed to keep clean and behave well, etc, but then I suppose, a real one is probably what the lady did really need in her life, as it would have been a growth experience for her and she would (hopefully) see life a lot differently and appreciate what truly is important in life.

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When she then went in Harrods to purchase those designer shoes and clothes it cost her nearly £300 for the outfit. Now my partner who has absoutley no intrest in these kind of programmes was on the pc and even he started commenting on this woman and said she was nutty. I feel sorry for the husband, how must he feel walking around with that stupid pot doll and her.


When I saw all the prams she had in the room I nearly cried as its so sad when there are people out there who cant even afford to buy a decent pram and clothes let alone a designer outfit at £300.



I thought there was something suspect about this. Did you notice that the camera panned to the cash till display at the end of the transaction and it read purchase -£294.00 and balance £0.00? I wonder if it was just a media exercise and these purchases weren't actually made in the end. Also, with her saying the new doll was damaged and it had to go back, I almost predicted that happening, after I'd seen the Harrods sideshow. Am I too suspicious or just a bit canny?

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The granny wanting the doll I found less disturbing. A lot of older women feel sad when they lose contact with a grandchild, and a lot of them collect dolls, I've noticed. My own mother has never got over the dog dying years ago - she's not allowed another one (dad says they're too old now) but collects anything to do with the breed. It's a comfort to them.


But quite disturbing was the younger woman who went to the US for her doll. She's young enough to have a baby, and rich enough to give it a good life, but she certainly wasn't mentally stable enough for one. She was a typical perfectionist - I suppose in some women that would have come out in having Anorexia, so at least the doll thing is less harmful...and she most definitely had severe OCD too.


She clearly loved the fantasy of having a child but knew she wouldn't be able to put up with the smells, dirt and noise. In some ways, it's good that she knows that and chooses to be weird and have these dolls instead - I know people who have real children yet have OCD about cleanliness and the poor little things can't play without being told to tidy up constantly.


That bit where she recoiled at the damaged doll chilled me though. I wonder how many mums of real babies get that?


And spending a fortune on designer goods. I had to laugh at the stupid prams she had - a real parent certainly wouldn't buy a pram as impractical as that! :D


Maybe it's good such people have these dolls? I wouldn't like to think how they'd react to real baby with it's nappy full of stinky curry sauce, puking, burping and farting like a dirty old man :D


One thing it made me think of was whether childhood has become yet another commodity to be bought and sold? On the one hand there's real children with real childhoods to go through, and on the other the fantasy of childhood that can be bought off a shelf...

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We got our daughter one of those Re-born dolls for her birthday..

She didn't want it for the reasons those women on the programme wanted it though...

She wanted it as a sort of keepsake/collectors thing..


Those women in that programme were in need of some sort of therapy if you ask me..

I mean, when she said "this is a long labour" when she was waiting for it to be delivered to the hotel room!!

I mean, come on women !! Get a grip on reality will you.. :loopy:

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I was blown away the women's partners tolerated such behaviour!

I know my OH would walk me to a clinic somewhere for help if I started acting like that!!


I found it very sad and pretty disturbing like most of you. To be so involved with something that is not real. All very well saying when one pushes a pram people come and talk to you, but despite all the hard bits to parenthood a real baby gives feedback!


I also hoped like hell that these women don't spend too much time with the dolls in their cars, can you imagine if they were involved in an accident and the emergency services went to help the doll first?! Or Police time was wasted as one carry cot was just placed in the back and on first sight could be seen as breaking the law!!


I hope not too many people watched the show, otherwise I have a vision of walking around in 2 weeks time confirming to everyone that my baby IS real :hihi:

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When the mad woman with the scary fingernails was sat in the park reflecting on her 'baby', she said the only thing she would like is for the baby to react and be more like a baby... got me thinking about that film, A.I.


The little boy was a robot/doll and didn't have a clue until he wasn't needed any more because their 'real' child came back to them.


It creeps me out.

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I hope not too many people watched the show, otherwise I have a vision of walking around in 2 weeks time confirming to everyone that my baby IS real :hihi:


:D I couldn't believe the bit where the woman said that if you are pushing a pram people stop and talk to you, I can just imagine the reaction when they look in and see that the middle aged womans baby is a doll... somehow that just doesn't seem the best conversation starter to me.

I also feel really sorry for the partners of the women, how embarrassing that their wives, adult women, begin to push dolls around in a pram, just imagine the ribbing at work etc, the men looked so embarrassed and confused by their wives behaviour :rolleyes:

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