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Sophisticated night spots in Sheffield?


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Where can you go in Sheffield for a really 'sophisticated' night out? I dont mean 'trendy' or somewhere that sells designer bottled lager, but where you can get a decent champagne, food, and a quality decor environment and a somewhat more selective or affluent clientele than the Casbah!! I dont mean just a restaurant either as there are a few of those, but a nightclub or a late bar that shows a bit of class and style, and is not just full of drunks swigging on lager. Any ideas? Need a decent place to entertain a couple of business contacts coming to Sheffield, who actually live in london so tend to be used to being entertained at very classy clubs on expenses.

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have you tried West 10? (i think its still called that)they serve food and i think open late it used to be trippets 2 and its on the main row of shops at Ranmoor. serves good wine and food. its a wine bar restraunt type place and it always looks busy.

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Yes I know West 10 very well. trouble is its not exactly City centre which is what I was looking for really, and its not a nightclub either which is essential. And West 10 is somewhat small, but I do believe they do good champagne.


Someone in the City must cater for good International cuisine food, vintage champagne, dancing and quality lager lout free clubbing......Leeds, London and Manchester have such places so why not Sheffield????


Someone says Kingdom has a VIP suite but from what I have heard about the sort of people who use this club I was not impressed, and it does not sound like a sophisticated entertainment venue with any kind of exclusive policy.

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Gatecrasher One makes itself out to be the most 'sophisticated' club in Sheffield and has a VIP section, but the type of clientele it'd attract would depend on the night.


The One Eleven Club would seem quite suitable if the guests enjoy jazz. Sola also seems a good candidate and it has a late license at weekends.

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You're not going to want to hear this....


Are you trying to do business with these guys or impress them?


Sometimes the two aren't the same.


Why is a night club essential? Is it a facet of the business you're in? I've found that little business gets transacted in night clubs, and if you're having to go to places based on the opinions of others then it's not necessaily your usual metier or environment either.


Unless crucial - seeing bands, getting a feel for a place before investing in it, etc. I'd seriously consider taking them to somewhere that's more your usual place, just slightly more upmarket.


And as for London based business people being used to better places, I've done my fair share of schmoozing with media and IT people from London and some of the places I've been taken to are absolute tips...:)



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