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Paying to get in pubs


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If it's really packed, at least you get to grope young ladies without them knowing who's doing it. That's got to be worth a fiver of anyone's money.


You can get that anywhere that's crowded enough. Last time it was downstairs in the Nelson.

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When we went to the pub opposite (next door), can't remember name and found they were chargeing we went to back door where people were coming out to have a smoke, tried to get in that way but there was a bouncer on the door and if you had no stamp on your hand he would not let you in, had to go round the front, I asked him why and he said "cos you have to" when pressed as to why could not go in that entrance as just same as other door he repeated "cos you have to". the pub was obviously takin no chances of anyone doing the unthinkable and getting in without paying! me and my friends were outraged by these two pubs but after meeting other people in town that night, there were other pubs trying the same thing!!!!:rant::rant:

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Why are you lot complaining about paying. If a pub is offering a good and unique service then to charge is entirely up to them. DJs do not work for free and neither do staff or management. A bit of thought and common sense would suggest anyone paying to go to a venue is getting a service worth while or else it must be crap.


if a pub is putting on a special DJ or live music event then to an extent they CAN justify a door fee. DJ's are not cheap (well not the decent ones), but my point is MOST pubs do nothing different at all, except maybe a bowl or 2 of nuts on the bar and the odd Mince pie. It simply is greed.....we bars make lots of money all year round and to rip our customers off on one of the key nights of the year is an INSULT! Most pubs will have their busiest night of the year and take thousands over the bar that night and can well afford to pay DJ's, etc.



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I just go in the ones that dont charge, but will pay after 10pm. It is quite annoying when it is not for a special event or DJ etc. I can afford it but if its just a racket i wont pay. Similarly that place Bungalows and Bears seems to have some kind of membership judging by me being turned away Saturdays. I then return the favour when they are empty (in the week).

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Nobody is suggesting you give drinks away but surely you can see regulars being aggrieved at paying to use a pub they have been frequenting the rest of the year.


A town centre pub might get away with it but I don’t know how I local landlord can charge local punters, something’s wrong.


Im not charging anyway.......we have a private party booked......though if i were going to charge it would only be for non-regulars, anyone that spends money here year round I wouldn't expect to pay.

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