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Reflective is now rubbish!


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Well.. I saw it coming but hoped it wouldn't... Reflective has gone from being a great event, to a really rather cr*p one.

30th November, it was great until the end with the CS gas incident. The week after, security was up but club was empty, as I don't think many people knew it was on... this led to half to club (old school room) being closed and half the DJ's not coming. It closed early AGAIN. Last night, went.. yet again, despite what the flyers said, it was in only one room, hardly any DJ's (I heard some of them left) and others on totally different times to advertised. I left early anyway but it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't stay open til 5- I don't think it ever has in the whole time I have been going, almost a year. What is the point in advertising that if it doesn't ever open til then? Oh, and, nice as the doormen and women are, I saw a bouncer trying to throw a guy out, 1 minute later he barged back in, bouncers did nothing, useless. I hate to say it cuz I loved it, but now I think I will save mi money. Heard it as fornightly too off a reliable source, asked the event manager last night, he said no. Come on Reflective, sort it out!

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i have to agree and everything hat you have pointed out we witnessed to!! even the incident with the guy getting thrown out then comin bak in lol its a joke and to put you mind at eaze it shut just after 4 makes me sick especially when u pay full price to get in and it shuts an hour early!!! got to praise TRC and EJ though cause they id make the night!

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i have to agree and everything hat you have pointed out we witnessed to!! even the incident with the guy getting thrown out then comin bak in lol its a joke and to put you mind at eaze it shut just after 4 makes me sick especially when u pay full price to get in and it shuts an hour early!!! got to praise TRC and EJ though cause they id make the night!


It closed at just turned 3am the time before! Joke.

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so wots the opinions on security there....?


In my experience they seem nice people, not come across many arsey ones lke you get in other places, but just son't seem much good at doing the job properly inside the place.. sometimes it may be because the club is emptying that it shuts early but most the time it is because of trouble. I thought that was the whole point in security- why should people who have paid £12 have their night ruined time after time after time because the security can't handle them. My mate, who is a gentle giant, got caught smoking in there other night- yes, I know, his own stupid fault, dunno what possessed him, so I am not saying he shouldn't have been, but he got a doorman put his hands on him, manhandling him out of the club, poking him in the back (he wasn't putting up a fight because his girlfriend was leaving anyway). Yet you see trouble and stupid idiots causing aggro for no reason, and the doormen don't seem capable of handling it... as I said, I saw them trying to shove a guy out the back, not sure if to get kicked out or to go ouside and cool down, yet he was up in the doorman's face and came straight back in. The security policy outside is much better since the CS gas incident, it was better the week after it happened, can't fault it.

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I went on the 30th November and I thought the night was ok.


I left at like 3:45 the CS Gas went off around 4am I heard so I was a lucky guy Lol.


But I did hear that the following week on the 7 December that the night was quiet and people started going early.


Does anyone know why MR V & TS7's name was on the flyer but X5 & APOSTLE turned up and MR V & TS7's didn't?


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I went on the 30th November and I thought the night was ok.


I left at like 3:45 the CS Gas went off around 4am I heard so I was a lucky guy Lol.


But I did hear that the following week on the 7 December that the night was quiet and people started going early.


Does anyone know why MR V & TS7's name was on the flyer but X5 & APOSTLE turned up and MR V & TS7's didn't?



Maybe Mr V and TS7 were unable to make it for some reason hence why the promoter replaced them?


Virgo played for me in Derby that night and may have had a few bookings elsewhere too. Apostle also played for me too that night.


At least the promoter gave you some guest dj's instead of advertising the guests and then no guest turn up???

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Maybe Mr V and TS7 were unable to make it for some reason hence why the promoter replaced them?


Virgo played for me in Derby that night and may have had a few bookings elsewhere too. Apostle also played for me too that night.


At least the promoter gave you some guest dj's instead of advertising the guests and then no guest turn up???


Virgo and TS7 played at Vibe that night, as advertised.

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