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Old cinemas of sheffield


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Thank-you muddycoffee I was just about to scream, the ballroom was the Court school of Dancing for many years and had possibly the best sprung floor in the city, it became the Kay Gee Bee and did indeed hold 'rock nights' the word 'disco' just doesn't sound right when put with 'rock'.

The Friends of Abbeydale Picture Palace are holding guided tours of the interior this weekend according to Calendar.

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Used to work at the studio 5-6-7 for 2 years and left to work at the new odeon cinema (now kingdom).Just after i left the place closed down because the owners werent paying any taxes...in fact they werent paying for anything (inc the rental fee for the films!).

The owner and his wife were unfortunatly both major drug addicts and used to live in his very small office...very sad.

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Originally posted by bigkev

did anybody ever visit the studio 7 cinema on the wicker and how about the classic cinema in fiztallan square.

I¡¦ll put my hand up to the classic¡Kbut not studio 7¡K.you¡¦ll have to ask muddy about that. Studio 7 use to show soft porn¡K¡K.bugger so did the classic ƒ¼


The Classic once showed Brue Lee films all through the night. Halfway through we was served hot soup¡K.

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Hillsborough had the Kinema, Pheonix and at the top end the Park Cinema. I remember as a lad around 1949-50 getting in free if you took 2 jamjars, complete with the rubber seal.

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Remember the Rosco on Shalesmoor...nicknamed the bug hut. The ushers used to come round in the interval and spray everything and the audience with dissinfectant...your mates knew where you had been cos they could smell you a mile off..I once got a clip off my mam and told " keep art o theer or thal catch summat"She wernt daft ,she could smell the "perfume"And knew there was a "mucky "film on....

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i cant remember the where each was but i remember studios 5,6,7 on the whicker always seemed to show porn.

the gaumont, the odeon, abc....just trying to fit the rest in locations, there was one near the back of the courts - abc?....when that one shut we were gonna squat it and put on punk gigs lol


the odeon was up from the moor where the tv company building was, is? round the corner from the wap


gaumont opposite the little peace gardens near the city hall??


and didnt the gaumont change into the odeon??

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Originally posted by melthebell

gaumont opposite the little peace gardens near the city hall??


and didnt the gaumont change into the odeon??


The Gaumont in Barker's Pool was closed in 1984. The site was redeveloped and two small cinemas, known as Odeon 1 & 2 incorporated in the development with access from Burgess street.


These closed down in the early nineties I think when the Odeon complex on Arundel Gate was opened...1992 ?

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