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Does any one remember clipboard man and dwarf?


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A couple of years ago and for a few years on the trot I would see them in town normally near the fountain on fargate.

A tall guy with a beard and normally dressed in a 60s type suit and his drawf friend would be in a superman costume or something. They would run about doing mad stuff on summer days.


What was their story? Does any one know?


I was told that they were traveling actors by a few people .

I was also told that they were on day release from Middlewood.


Personally I prefer the first one, but one day I was asked for my name and address by clipboard man, and it got me wondering.


If any one knows there story Id be glad to hear it.


This was not a dream , honest. I wasn't the only one to see them.

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Originally posted by jonsastar

A tall guy with a beard and normally dressed in a 60s type suit and his drawf friend


I think you are confusing real life with the 70's TV show "Fantasy Island", please seek help.

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I remember seeing a tall bearded guy with a clip board on several occasions in Fargate and the Moor. He had sandy colured hair, had thick glasses and and often wore a hat and a suit. Never saw the dwarf though - although perhaps as I'm tall he was below my eye line at the time

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They used to do all kinds of stunts and things around the centre of Sheffield - they used the name 'Acting On Fargate' (or something similar). Usually pretty bonkers stuff, as described above.


The small fella was an Equity-card holding actor I believe - he was in the Lyceum's Christmas production of 'Snow White' around 1993 or '94, but very sadly died in the middle of the run.


Don't know anything about the other guy though I'm afraid. He might or might not still do stuff like that, but I don't live in Sheff any more and haven't seen him/them for years.

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I knew these guys cause I used to bum around town for years, joules the dwarf died, can't remember the tall guys name but he did a bit of bouncing down at music factory about 7 years ago, I remember cause he used to let me in free at the door around the side:D

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Tall guy if I remember right was called Dave and he was a member of the Cocker family.

The cousin of Jarvis Cocker, he was on the same music technology course as me in 1990.


The dwarf did indeed die some years back.


They just got off on expressing themselves artistically in this way.


The sort of thing Jackass did 10 years later.


I think Dave could have been Sheffield's Peter Kay if he did'nt confuse and wind people up so much:loopy:

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You're right about Julian, the small one. The other bloke was Dave Aston, who actually went to City School with Jarvis Cocker, but wasn't related. They lived around the corner from one another in Intake.


TYhe clipboard/beard man is someone different, but does look like Dave.


I used to p*ss about on Fargate with the lads back in the day. They once got nicked for messing about in HL Brown. We went to court to see them, where they tried to represent themselves in funny voices... Got a right bllking off the judge.


We once sat up all night drawing caracatures of snooker players, and sold them on Fargate the following day. They were awful. We also used to chase David Blunkett whenever we saw him.


Great days.

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