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The "I am currently reading" thread


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I'm currently reading "Red Seas Under Red Skies" by Stephen Lynch. It's the follow up to "The Lies of Locke Lamora" which was one of the best Fantasy novels i've read in years - and this one is also shaping up to be a very good read!

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Just finished Freakonomics by Levitt and Dubner - interesting outlook on data, statistics and economics, but a little repetitive. ; nearly finished Yacoubian Building by Alaa Al Aswany - a good holiday read, lots of short stories, some of which are a little shocking; and just started Half of A Yellow Sun by Adiche, gripping.


Just refound Ulysses by James Joyce, which I have half read; will make it a resolution to finish it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm half way through "Take it like a man"- the autobiography of Boy George. Was stuck for something to read and ir was passed on by the MIL.


So far, the best auto biog I've read.






Absolutely brilliant book, I loved it. Read it a couple of times!


This week, I've read Keith Allens autobiography - Grow up, and Pearl Lowes autobiography - All that Glitters - Living on the Dark Side of Rock and Roll. Really enjoyed them both. I've got 4 or 5 more from Christmas to get through. :)

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