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Finished it. Comments below in white font, so as not to spoil it for those who've not yet read it, just highlight the text to read.:thumbsup:


Hmmm - I'm not sure that I liked it to be honest. From the blurb on the back, I was expecting it to be packed with Gothic suspense.


The themes were interesting, particularly the one about identity which I know a lot of twins struggle with. However, the characterisations seemed to jar and instead of developing the characters in any meaningful and credible way, the author seemed to have a plot (which was very contrived in places) in mind and the characters were slotted in around it as mere plot devices which made the novel flawed. :( I guessed that Elspeth was really the twins' mother, however, the ridiculous twist at the end I did not foresee. It was disappointing to say the least. I also didn't really get any sense of raw grief that I would expect from Robert, Edie, Jack and Julia.


What more can I say ? Yes, I was interested in the twins identity and also in the cemetary work. I was confused by Roberts reaction and yes , there was little emotion. I especially liked the Martin story line actually which was an interesting insight into OCD. Now when Valentina dies, despite her having asthma it was still an unexpected death and would have required a post mortem - that really spoilt any enjoyment i had as I could just imaging her being reincarnated all stitched up!

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What more can I say ? Yes, I was interested in the twins identity and also in the cemetary work. I was confused by Roberts reaction and yes , there was little emotion. I especially liked the Martin story line actually which was an interesting insight into OCD. Now when Valentina dies, despite her having asthma it was still an unexpected death and would have required a post mortem - that really spoilt any enjoyment i had as I could just imaging her being reincarnated all stitched up!

See below:


I agree with that about Valentina - that spoilt it for me, no inquest, quick burial and no mention of a heavily stitched up body as you say! How did Elspeth manage a baby given the heart problems etc that Valentina had? Imagine pitching up for an ante-natal to find the 'Y' incision stitching on the chest and around the brain? Aren't all internal organs removed and weighed then put back? I couldn't get that out of my mind whilst reading the last bit!

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The Zahir by Paulo Coelho - not sure so far... I've read The Alchemist and enjoyed that but not sure if this will be as good. I think The Alchemist was good when I read it but I can't remember much about it since. Hope this one will have more of a lasting impression.

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The Man in the Moss. An early Phil Rickman offering. Spooky goings on follow the discovery of a murdered, centuries-old man buried in a peat bog. Set in the southern Pennines, and complete with Sheffield references galore.


Not quite up to his later standards, but still compelling.

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The Zahir by Paulo Coelho - not sure so far... I've read The Alchemist and enjoyed that but not sure if this will be as good. I think The Alchemist was good when I read it but I can't remember much about it since. Hope this one will have more of a lasting impression.


I enjoyed The Alchemist as well; it was about that shepherd who went on a mission to find the gold he had a dream about... Read up a little on The Zahir and the storyline didn't really interest me, report back on the 'rate the last book you read' thread if you remember and let me know if it was any good. :)

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